FundF. 1630. DashkovInventoryRGIA.F. 1630 op.1Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova, personal documents, corresp...

Title FundF. 1630. DashkovInventoryRGIA.F. 1630 op.1Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova, personal documents, correspondence and materials about the property of Dashkov.1779-1904Identifier53663CF8-58AD-47B1-9BAC-049510677679The language of the textrusDates1779-1904Volume525 units.LevelInventoryannotationAnnotation: Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova: censorship charters (1804, 1826) and projects of charters;reports, projects, reports, letters and other documents on the trade relations of Russia with the countries of the Middle East and Greece;on the activities of Russian consulates in these countries;Documents related to the administrations of the principalities of Moldova, Wallachia and Bessarabia, and so on.Materials on the course of hostilities of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828.Documents D.D.Dashkova, letters to him of different persons.Documents A.D.Dashkova (1857-1904), including notes on the land structure of landowner and factory peasants.Materials about the property of Dashkov;personal documents;correspondenceOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.1630 /1
Fonds Dashkov
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