FundF. 1630. DashkovInventoryRGIA.F. 1630 op.1Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova, personal documents, corresp...

Identifier 53663cf8-58ad-47b1-9bac-049510677679
Title FundF. 1630. DashkovInventoryRGIA.F. 1630 op.1Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova, personal documents, correspondence and materials about the property of Dashkov.1779-1904Identifier53663CF8-58AD-47B1-9BAC-049510677679The language of the textrusDates1779-1904Volume525 units.LevelInventoryannotationAnnotation: Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova: censorship charters (1804, 1826) and projects of charters;reports, projects, reports, letters and other documents on the trade relations of Russia with the countries of the Middle East and Greece;on the activities of Russian consulates in these countries;Documents related to the administrations of the principalities of Moldova, Wallachia and Bessarabia, and so on.Materials on the course of hostilities of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828.Documents D.D.Dashkova, letters to him of different persons.Documents A.D.Dashkova (1857-1904), including notes on the land structure of landowner and factory peasants.Materials about the property of Dashkov;personal documents;correspondenceOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.1630 /1
Dates Documents related to official activities D.V.Dashkova, personal documents, correspondence and materials about the property of the Dashkovs
Text language RGIA
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1630 / 1
Cataloguing source Russian
Extent RGIA
Fonds Dashkov
Display format

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