Letters of the Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolts of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the posit...

Title Letters of the Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolts of Peter Mikhailovich Volkonsky Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the position of the specific peasants, about the note of Stogov about the oppression of their officials of the Ministry of Locals, about the awards of Perovsky money, about the construction of an industrial school for peasant children, about the stay of P.M.Volkonsky abroad and on military maneuvers in Warsaw, about types of crop, with a brief description of different persons [Kirilov, Gagarin and others] and in personal matters;Avilov’s report on the investigation of an anonymous letter was applied in connection with rumors on permission to individuals to use baths belonging to the Directorate of Theater Schools
Series 1807-1918
Fonds Perovsky: Alexey Alekseevich (pseudonym Anthony Pogorelsky) (1787-1836), writer;Lev Alekseevich, Count (1792-1855), Minister of the Interior;Vasily Alekseevich, Count (1795-1857), Orenburg military governor;Boris Alekseevich, Count (1814-1881), beginning
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