Mongolia and the Mongols. T. 1. Diary and Route of 1892

Pozdneev, Alexei Matveyevich (1851-1920).    
Mongolia and the Mongols: the results of the trip to Mongolia, executed in 1892-1893. A. Laterov. - St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, 1896-1898. - 2 tons; 26 centimeters .
I. Russian Geographical Society. Territory (collection). 2. Russia - Mongolia: from the history of relationships (collection). 3. Mongolia - History.
ББК 63.3 (5Мон) 5
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Russian Geographical Society
T. 1: Diary and Route of 1892 / [the author of the preface: VP Semenov, vice-chairman of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society]. - 1896. - XXX, 697 p., 1 l. portraiture. : ill. -
Bibliography: "List of the works of AM Pozdnev" (pp. XIII-XV). - Alphabetical indexes: p. 675-696.
I. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, Petr Petrovich (1827-1914) .1. Territory (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Russia - Mongolia: from the history of relationships (collection). 4. Mongolia - Description and travel of the Russian - 19 in ..
ББК 63.3 (5Мон) 5
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Russian Geographical Society
Publisher издание Императорского Русского географического общества
Catalogue object