Author's works

Author's works

Traveling in the Turkestan Territory and the study of the mountainous country Tian-Shan, committed on behalf of the Russian Geographical Society by Dr. Zoology, a member of the Russian Geographic and other scientists N. Namertsov.[C.1. General travel reports 1857-1868]

Severzers.Nikolay Alekseevich.1827-1885.Traveling in the Turkestan Territory and the study of the mountainous country Tian-Shan, committed on behalf of the Russian Geographical Society by Dr. Zoology, a member of the Russian Geographic and other scientists N. Namertsov.St. Petersburg: Type.K.V.Trubnikova, 1873.[C.1: Total travel reports 1857-1868].1873.
Русское Географическое Общество

Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky - author of the foreword

Mongolia and the Mongols. T. 1. Diary and Route of 1892

Pozdneev, Alexei Matveyevich (1851-1920). Mongolia and the Mongols. St. Petersburg: Rus. geogr. Island.
T. 1: The Diary and the Route of 1892. 1896.
Русское географическое общество

Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky - author of the foreword

Description of the Amur Region

  Grum-Grzhimailo, Grigory Efimovich (1860-1936).     Description of the Amur Region.
St. Petersburg: Tipo-lit. and bookbinding. Nikolaeva, 1894.

Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky - author of the foreword