Yakushkin, Vyacheslav Evgenevich
State power and projects of state reform in Russia: with the annexation of the draft constitution of Nikita Muraviev / VE Yakushkin. - St. Petersburg: the edition of GF Lvovich, 1906. - [4], 160 p. ; 21 cm. - Contained. Ch.: Zemsky Sobor XVI-XVII centuries; After Peter the Great; Representation in the legislative commissions of the XVIII century; Constitutional projects. NI Panina; Committee of Public Rescue; The Finnish Constitution. - Speransky's project; The Polish Constitution. - State Charter of the Russian Empire; Constitutional projects of the Decembrists; Constitutional projects at the beginning of the reign of Alexander II. - Constitution gr. Loris-Melikov. - Conclusion
1. The rule of law in Russia. History and modernity (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. State - History - Russia - 16th - 19th centuries. 4. Constitutions - Projects - History - Russia - 18th - beginning. 20th centuries. |
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