General section
General section
Problems of the formation of a centralized state and eastern traditions in the evolution of the state and law of Russia XIV - XVII centuries.
Avdeev, Dmitry Igorevich
The problems of the formation of a centralized state and the eastern traditions in the evolution of the state and law of Russia in the 14th - 17th centuries ..
St. Petersburg, 2008.
St. Petersburg, 2008.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
The power of the Russian Tsar
Aivazov, Ivan Georgievich (1872-1964).
The power of the Russian Tsar. Photos of Moscow: печ. A.I. Snegireva, 1912.
About the past and present of the Russian administration
Berendts, Eduard Nikolayevich (1860-?).
About the past and present of the Russian administration.
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1913.
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1913.
I [- II] Table of chronological sovereigns of European .... Table. 2. ... starting from the Russian Grand Dukes. : With the indication of their reign from the IX to the XIX century
Golitsyn, Alexei Petrovich (1754-1811). I [- II] The table of chronological sovereigns of European ... Moscow: In the Provincial Printing Office of A. Reshetnikov, 1801.
Tab. 2: ... starting from the Russian Grand Dukes. : With the indication of their reign from the IX, to the XIX century. 1801.
Tab. 2: ... starting from the Russian Grand Dukes. : With the indication of their reign from the IX, to the XIX century. 1801.
The history of central government bodies of state industry in Russia XVII-XIX centuries.
Doinikov, Pavel Igorevich
The history of central government bodies of state industry in Russia XVII-XIX centuries. Moscow, 2009.
The power of Moscow princes
Dyakonov, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1855 / 56-1919). The power of Moscow princes. St. Petersburg: Type. I. N. Skorokhodova, 1889.
Essays on the organization and origin of the service class in pre-Petrine Russia
Zagoskin, Nikolai Pavlovich (1851-1912).
Essays on the organization and origin of the service class in pre-Petrine Russia.
Kazan: in the University type., 1875 (region 1876).
Kazan: in the University type., 1875 (region 1876).
Essays on the history of political institutions in Russia
Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich (1861-1916).
Essays on the history of political institutions in Russia.
St. Petersburg: Publishing house. N. Glagolev, [1908].
St. Petersburg: Publishing house. N. Glagolev, [1908].
Legal Policy of the Russian State in Relation to the Property of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia X - early XX century.
Koltsov, Victor Andreevich
The Legal Policy of the Russian State in Relation to the Property of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia X - the Beginning of the 20th Century .. Moscow, 2009.
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A summary of the diplomacy of the Russian court, since the accession to the All-Russia throne of the Romanov dynasty before the death of Emperor Alexander I. Part 1. Time space: from the accession of the Tsar and Grand Duke Michael Feodorovich to the All-Russian Throne before the Empress Catherine II. 1613-1762
Kaidanov, Ivan Kozmich (1782-1843). A summary of the diplomacy of the Russian court, since the accession to the All-Russian throne of the Romanov dynasty before the death of Emperor Alexander I. In St. Petersburg: from the book seller Ivan Slonin, 1833.
Part 1: The time space: from the accession to the All-Russian throne of the sovereign of the tsar and the great Prince Michael Feodorovich until the time of Empress Empress Catherine II. 1613-1762 g.1833.
Part 1: The time space: from the accession to the All-Russian throne of the sovereign of the tsar and the great Prince Michael Feodorovich until the time of Empress Empress Catherine II. 1613-1762 g.1833.
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