Milyukov Pavel Nikolayevich (1859-1943)
Milyukov Pavel Nikolayevich (1859-1943)
Armed peace and arms limitation
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
Armed peace and arms limitation.
St. Petersburg: [P. O. M.], Type. B. M. Wolf, 1911.
St. Petersburg: [P. O. M.], Type. B. M. Wolf, 1911.
Memories (1859-1917). T. 1. [1859-1907]
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943). Memories (1859-1917). Moscow: Contemporary, 1990.
T. 1: [1859-1907]. 1990.
T. 1: [1859-1907]. 1990.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Memories (1859-1917). T. 2. [1907-1917]
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
Memories (1859-1917). [1907-1917].
Moscow: Contemporary, 1990. 1990.
Moscow: Contemporary, 1990. 1990.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
The main trends of Russian historical thought
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
The main currents of Russian historical thought.
St. Petersburg: The Edition of M. V. Averyanov, 1913.
St. Petersburg: The Edition of M. V. Averyanov, 1913.
Year of struggle
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943). Year of struggle. St. Petersburg: Typography of TV "Public benefit", 1907.
Essays on the history of Russian culture. T. 1. The Earth. Population. Economy. Estate. The state
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
Essays on the history of Russian culture. T. 1: The Earth. Population. Economy. Estate. The state.
M .: Progress [and others], 1993. 1993.
M .: Progress [and others], 1993. 1993.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 1. The population, economic, state and class system
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 1: Population, economic, state and class system.
St. Petersburg: the edition of Ed. journal. "Peace of God", 1904-1916. 1904.
St. Petersburg: the edition of Ed. journal. "Peace of God", 1904-1916. 1904.
Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 2. Church and school
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 2: Church and school.
St. Petersburg: the edition of Ed. journal. "Peace of God", 1904-1916. 1916.
St. Petersburg: the edition of Ed. journal. "Peace of God", 1904-1916. 1916.
Essays on the history of Russian culture. T. 2. Faith. Creation. Education
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943). Essays on the history of Russian culture. Paris: Contemporary Notes, 1930.
T. 2: Faith. Creation. Education. 1931.
T. 2: Faith. Creation. Education. 1931.
Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 3. Nationalism and public opinion
Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).
Essays on the history of Russian culture. Part 3: Nationalism and Public Opinion.
St. Petersburg: red. journal. "The World of God," 1898-1913. 1901.
St. Petersburg: red. journal. "The World of God," 1898-1913. 1901.