General section

General section

  • ALL ABOUT LAW - This website is a compass, guiding through the world of law, full of useful legal information. Sources on the history of monuments of Russian legislation could be found in the "History of State and Law" section.
  • LAW TODAY - Informational and educational legal portal. The "Library" section offers materials on the history of legal development in Russia.
  • THE RUSSIAN LAW CLASSICS - Website includes classic works of law, an unofficial publication of the Legal Code of the Russian Empire of 1912 and the Court Regulations from the 20th of November 1864.
  • LAW AND ORDER - This site contains news and materials on modern legislative system and the history of law in Russia. A separate section is dedicated to the history of Russian legal literature.
  • PRAVOTEKA - Focused on legal issues website reviews current legislation of the Russian Federation. There are some articles on various legal cases, terminology and the records of the past Russian legislation in its "Encyclopedia" section.
  • BIBLIOPHIKA - Electronic library of the Russian State Public Historical Library. It includes a collection of digital copies of books on the "Legislation of the Russian Empire" subject.
  • HISTORICAL SOURCES IN RUSSIAN ON THE INTERNET - E-library of historical faculty of Moscow State University. Among the sources are the monuments of the Russian legislation, dedicated to these sources articles and links directories to related resources.

  • CHRONOS - This site contains documents and historical sources on Russia of the IX-XX centuries.
  • LEGAL RUSSIA - Educational legal portal contains a wide range of legal information, including news feed (the legislation news, thesis defense announcements, upcoming seminars, conferences and etc. ads), interactive services and other.
  • LAW AND INTERNET - Victor Naumov’s website with materials (mostly, the articles and the presentations) related to information and telecommunication law and intellectual property law.
  • MILITARY LAW - Website contains information on military legislation, call-up rules and military service. A catalog of Russian military resources is available.