Acts relating to the history of Western Russia, collected and published by Arheogr. by the Commission. T. 3. 1544-1587

Acts relating to the history of Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographical Commission: [i.e. 1-5]. -Saint Petersburg: typography from 2 Private e. i. Office, 1846-1853. -5 t.; 32 cm. -
T. 3-5 typography: typography Praca.
I. Imperial archeographical Commission (St.-Petersburg). 1. People (collection). 2. Archeographical Commission (collection). 3. Russia-history-documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) Sy 11
Electronic copy source: BOP
The original storage location: Spbsu
T. 3:1544-1587. -In typography Edward Praca, 1848. -[350] section. PAG ... -
Bibliography: in the footnotes. -Copy of Spsu without cover.
1. the territory of the (collection). 2. Archeographical Commission (collection). 3. Russia-history-16.-documents and materials. 4. Europe East-history-documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 43ju11
BBC 63.3 (4) 43ju11
Electronic copy source: BOP
The original storage location: Spbsu
Publisher в типографии Эдуарда Праца
Catalogue object