Helmjanova, Yuliya Sergeevna (Ph.). |
Category kazhimosti and its implementation in the poem the legacy of a. s. Pushkin: the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of Philology: speciality 10.02.01 /Helmjanova Yulia Sergeevna; [Russian State Pedagogical University of Herzen]. -St. Peterburg, 2016. -24 with ... - Place of Defense: Ros. GOS. ped. University of them. A.i. Herzen. List of works-author: s. 23-24 (7 titles). -A manuscript. .Русский> |
1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837). Prose-language and style-authors ' abstracts of dissertations. 2. A. s. Pushkin (collection). 3. Russia faces (collection). 4. Russian (collection). 5. Russian language. 6. Russian-Typological categories-authors ' abstracts of dissertations. |
BBC 81.411.2-55ja031 BBC 83.3 (2 = 411.2)-8.444 Pushkin, A.s. ja031
Source: electronic copy of WPPS. Site |