Category kazhimosti and its implementation in the poem the legacy of a. s. Pushkin

Helmjanova, Yuliya Sergeevna (Ph.).
Category kazhimosti and its implementation in the poem the legacy of a. s. Pushkin: the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of Philology: speciality 10.02.01 /Helmjanova Yulia Sergeevna; [Russian State Pedagogical University of Herzen]. -St. Peterburg, 2016. -24 with ... -
Place of Defense: Ros. GOS. ped. University of them. A.i. Herzen. List of works-author: s. 23-24 (7 titles). -A manuscript.
1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837). Prose-language and style-authors ' abstracts of dissertations. 2. A. s. Pushkin (collection). 3. Russia faces (collection). 4. Russian (collection). 5. Russian language. 6. Russian-Typological categories-authors ' abstracts of dissertations.
BBC 81.411.2-55ja031
BBC 83.3 (2 = 411.2)-8.444 Pushkin, A.s. ja031
Source: electronic copy of WPPS. Site
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