- Works
- The poet's first works
- Collections of essays
- Selected works
Poem by A.S.Pushkin "slanderers of Russia"
Philosophers Alexei Illarionovich (1799-1874), Adjutant General, Educator of Grand Dukes Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs, temporary military governor of St. Petersburg.Poem by A.S.Pushkin "slanders of Russia."The story of the Pugachev rebellion
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (poet; 1799-1837). The history of the Pugachev rebellion. St. Petersburg: the edition of the bookseller Ya. A. Isakov, 1881.1812 in Russian poetry
1812 in Russian poetry. St. Petersburg: M. Stasyulevych Printing House, 1912.Pushkin A. S. To Siberia. p. 9 (scan 13), to A. Bestuzhev. p. 247 (scan 254)
Diary of A. S. Pushkin. 1833-1835
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (poet; 1799-1837). Diary of A. S. Pushkin. 1833-1835. [Moscow, between 1920 and 1924]; Petrograd.Poltava
Pushkin, AS Poltava. Kuibyshev: OGIZ. Kuibyshev publishing house, 1944. - Manuscripts, versions of works
Russian archive. G. 18 1880, book. 3
Russian archive. Moscow: University Press (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 18 1880, the book. 3. 1880.Рукописи А.С. Пушкина: 1. Новая глава из "Капитанской Дочки"; 2. Письмо к Д. В. Давыдову. С. 218-228 (сканы 228-238)
Papers A.S.Pushkin
Papers A.S.Pushkin.Moscow: Univ.type.(M. Katkov), 1881.[End of the poem Pushkin "Mermaid"].Chapters reported by Zuevov D. P. in the meeting of the Russian Literary Society in February 1889, as he heard personally from Pushkin A. S. on the apartment of the Poet of the Gubra in November 1836, with the application of the letter Zueva D. P. To Chicheri
Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich, Lawyer, Philosopher, Professor of Moscow University, Zemsky leader.[End of the poem Pushkin "Mermaid"].Chapters reported by Zuyev D. P. in the meeting of the Russian Literary Society in February 1889, as he heard personally from Pushkin A. S. at the apartment of the Poet of the Gubra in November 1836, with the application of the letter Zueva D. P. To Chicherin B. N. Dated March 26, 1899 and cutting from the newspaper "News" No. 46 of February 15, 1889, as well as copies of the scene-reported scenes rewritten by A. A. Chicherina.1889
Two autographs of Pushkin
Qyavlovsky, M. DVA Autograph Pushkin.Moscow: ed.L.E.Accounts, 1914.
- Literary criticism
- Modern studies
To the history of the oriental influence on the language of Russian fiction of Pushkin's epoch (on the example of AS Pushkin's Journey to Arzrum)
To the history of the oriental influence on the language of Russian fiction of the Pushkin epoch (on the example of AS Pushkin's Journey to Arzrum). 2015."Napoleonic complex" in the Russian classics of the first third of the XIX century (AS Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol)
Artamonova, Irina Valeryevna (Candidate of Philological Sciences). "Napoleonic complex" in the Russian classics of the first third of the XIX century (AS Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol). Moscow, 2018.The phenomenon of "triple" in the Russian literature of the 1830s: AS Pushkin, NV Gogol, VF Odoevsky
Genina, Ninel Evgenievna (candidate of philological sciences). The phenomenon of "triple" in the Russian literature of the 1830s: AS Pushkin, NV Gogol, VF Odoevsky. Tomsk, 2010.Pushkin's traditions in the works of IS Turgenev in the 1840s and early 1850s
Dubinina, Tatyana Gennadievna (Candidate of Philology). Pushkin's traditions in the works of IS Turgenev in the 1840s and early 1850s. Moscow, 2011.Formation and development of the expressive-expressive system in Pushkin's romantic poetry
Emelin, Ilya Anatolyevich (Candidate of Philology). Formation and development of the expressive-expressive system in Pushkin's romantic poetry. Moscow, 2011.The opposition of man and power in Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" and his archetypal features
Karim Bekhan Mohammad (Candidate of Philology). Confrontation of man and power in Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" and his archetypal features. Moscow, 2013.The poetics of the portrait in Pushkin's "Belkin's Stories"
Kulygina, Alla Gavrilovna (Candidate of Philology). The poetics of the portrait in Pushkin's "Belkin's Stories". Nizhny Novgorod, 2008.The category of prayer and its artistic embodiment in the poetry of Alexander Pushkin
Kuchina, Elena Aleksandrovna (Candidate of Philology). The category of prayer and its artistic embodiment in Pushkin's poetry. Ekaterinburg, 2013.Pushkin's tradition in the prose of Anton Chekhov
Litovchenko, Maria Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). Pushkin's tradition in the prose of Anton Chekhov. Kemerovo, 2007.Problems of the poetics of Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter"
Marusova, Irina Vladimirovna (candidate of philological sciences). Problems of the poetics of Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter". Smolensk, 2007.The influence of painting on the aesthetic ideal of Russian literature of the first third of the XIX century (AS Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov)
Potashova, Ksenia Alexeevna. The influence of painting on the aesthetic ideal of Russian literature of the first third of the XIX century (AS Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov). Moscow, 2015.Poetic strategies and universal structures in Pushkin's lyrics
Sulema, Oksana Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). Poetic strategies and universal structures in Pushkin's lyrics. Voronezh, 2011.France in the works of Alexander Pushkin: topic, characterology, universals
Fedunova, Elena Anatolievna (Candidate of Philology). France in the works of Alexander Pushkin: topic, characterology, universals. Novosibirsk, 2013.Category kazhimosti and its implementation in the poem the legacy of a. s. Pushkin
Helmjanova, Yuliya Sergeevna (Ph.). Category kazhimosti and its implementation in the poem the legacy of a. s. Pushkin. St. Petersburg, 2016.Poetics of dialogue and communication problems in the prose of Alexander Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov
Yukhnova, Irina Sergeevna (doctor of philological sciences). Poetics of dialogue and problems of communication in the prose of Alexander Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov. Nizhny Novgorod, 2011.
- Features of Alexander Pushkin’s language
- Modern studies
Ontology of the name in the works of the writers-Arzamasians, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov
Afanasyeva, Elmira Maratovna (Candidate of Philological Sciences, 1971-). The ontology of the name in the works of the Arzamas writers, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov. Moscow, 2014.Semantics of the calendar in the artistic world of Pushkin
Gayvoronskaya, Lyudmila Vasilievna (candidate of philological sciences). Semantics of the calendar in the artistic world of Pushkin. Voronezh, 2006.The role of word formation in the harmonious organization of the poetic text
Gorbunova, Svetlana Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). The role of word formation in the harmonious organization of a poetic text. Kazan, 2013.Formation and development of the expressive-expressive system in Pushkin's romantic poetry
Emelin, Ilya Anatolyevich (Candidate of Philology). Formation and development of the expressive-expressive system in Pushkin's romantic poetry. Moscow, 2011.Historical vocabulary as a means of creating the chronotope of Pushkin's artistic prose
Konchakova, Ekaterina Viktorovna (Candidate of Philology). Historical vocabulary as a means of creating the chronotope of Pushkin's artistic prose. Voronezh, 2008.Emotion-evaluative vocabulary of the epistolary discourse of AS Pushkin
Lange, Nina Vitalievna (candidate of philological sciences). Emotion-evaluative vocabulary of Pushkin's epistolary discourse. Smolensk, 2011.Morphemarium of AS Pushkin as a key to author's archetypes
Matytsina, Lyudmila Nikolaevna (candidate of philological sciences). Morphemarium AS Pushkin as the key to the author's archetypes. Voronezh, 2010.Principles of compilation of the dictionary of onomastic units of AS Pushkin's creativity
Obukhova, Elena Sergeevna (candidate of philological sciences). Principles of compiling a dictionary of onomastic units of AS Pushkin. Voronezh, 2009.Lexical synonym of AS Pushkin: qualitative and quantitative analysis
Rymar, Svetlana Viktorovna. Lexical synonym of AS Pushkin: qualitative and quantitative analysis. Nizhny Novgorod, 2008.Structure, semantics and functions of phraseological units of AS Pushkin's prose
Safi Rabiya Hamid (Candidate of Philology). Structure, semantics and functions of phraseological units of AS Pushkin's prose. Voronezh, 2012.Nomination of a person in prosaic works of AS Pushkin
Soloveva, Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). Nomination of a person in prosaic works of Alexander Pushkin. Kazan, 2006.
- Illustrations for the poet’s works
- Illustrations to poetic works
- Illustrations to the prose works
Illustrations to the works of Alexander Pushkin
Shmarinov, Dementy Alekseevich (1907-1999). Illustrations to the works of Alexander Pushkin. - Illustrations to the fairy tales
август 1831