Diary of A. S. Pushkin. 1833-1835

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (poet; 1799-1837).
Diary of A. S. Pushkin. 1833-1835. - [Moscow; Petrograd, between 1920 and 1924]. -V, 578 s., VIII l. fax .. -
Pointer: p. 553-578.
1. Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (1799 - 1837) - Memoirs, notes, etc. 2. The people (collection). 3. Russia in the faces (collection). 4. A. S. Pushkin (collection).
BBK 63.3 (2) 52-8Pushkin, A.S.14
BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8Pushkin, A.S.14
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: UrFU
Catalogue object