Monuments to the poet
The monuments to Alexander Pushkin by M. K. Anikushin’s work are presented with a separate subsection (see link in the end of the section).
- General section
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of opening a widespread subscription for the construction of the monument to the late our poet Alexander Pushkin.Immediately about donation rank
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of opening a widespread subscription for the construction of the monument to the late our poet Alexander Pushkin.Immediately about donation to the officials of the Department and the editorial office of the journal and the Acheographic Commission in favor of St. Petersburg Sunday Schools.1861.The case of the opening, according to the highest command, everywhere, subscriptions to the construction of the monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case of the opening, according to the highest command, is everywhere, subscriptions to the construction of the monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.январь 1861 - февраль 1862
The case of the order by the sovereign of Tsesarevich living in Florence by the sculptor Zabello of the marble statue "Tatyana" from the poem of Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"
The office of the court of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the order by the sovereign of Tsesarevich living in Florence by the sculptor Zabello of the marble statue of Tatyana from the poem of Pushkin Evgeny Onegin.декабрь 1864 - 20 февраль 1868
The case of a subscription to the construction of the monument to Pushkin
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of a subscription to the construction of the monument to Pushkin.май 1871 - июль 1879
Letter A. Bazunova to Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov about making money on a monument to Pushkin and on the scholarship [named D.A.] Milyutin and about the transfer of the new edition of the book of Vasilchikov "On Self-Government"
Vasilchikov, princes.Letter A. Bazunova to Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov about making money for a monument to Pushkin and on the scholarship [named D.A.] Milyutin and about the transfer of the new edition of the book of Vasilchikov "On Self-Government" to the Commission.август 1872
The case of ordering a sculptor in Paris to Mr. Bernstam Busts of Ostrovsky and Pushkin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of ordering a sculptor in Paris to Mr. Bernstam Busts of Ostrovsky and Pushkin.ноябрь 1886
The case of the followed by the highest resolution for the provision of the highest established commission for the construction of the monument A.S.Pushkin in St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters: in Mariinsky and Moscow Bolshoi Theaters
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the followed by the highest resolution for the provision of the highest established commission for the construction of the monument A.S.Pushkin in St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters: in the Mariinsky and Moscow Bolshoi Theaters.ноябрь 1902 - май 1903
- Visual materials
The project of a monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin by an unidentified author
Vasilchikovs, princes.
The project of a monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin of an unidentified author.1850-1915
- Articles in periodicals
The image of the poet / / Evening Leningrad. No. 112 (1045) (14 May)
Evening Leningrad. Film The Image of a Poet.О проектах памятника А. С. Пушкину работы скульпторов Н. Томского и М. Аникушина
- Ashgabat, a city
Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Ashabad of the Cospian region
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Ashabad of the Custinian region.1911 - 1917
- Barnaul, a city
- Dnepropetrovsk, a city
- Zhytomyr, a city
Volyn province. The project of the monument to Alexander Pushkin in the mountains. Zhitomir
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film The Volyn province. The project of the monument to Alexander Pushkin in the mountains. Zhytomyr.1899
- Yoshkar-Ola, a city
- Chisinau, a city
Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chisinau Bessarabian province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chisinau Bessarabian province.Не ранее мая 1885
Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chişinău Bessarabian province built on May 26, 1885
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Monument to A.S.Pushkin in the city of Chişinău Bessarabian province was built on May 26, 1885.Не ранее 1885
- Moscow, the city
"Speech by I.S. Turgenev regarding the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow" - notch from "Bulletin of Europe" with proofreading amendments [I.S.Turgenev?]
Molchanov Anatoly Evgrafovich (1856-1921)."Speech by I.S. Turgenev regarding the opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow" - notch from "Bulletin of Europe" with proofreading amendments [I.S.Turgenev?].май 1880
- Visual materials
Moscow.Monument to A. S. Pushkin.Sculptor A. M. Pekpe
Moscow.Monument to A. S. Pushkin.Sculptor A. M. Pokeshin.1955.1955
Moscow - Helsinki. Moscow. Monument to A. Pushkin. Sculptor A. Opekushin. Architect I. Bogomolov
Moscow - Helsinki. Moscow. Monument to A. Pushkin. Sculptor A. Opekushin. Architect I. Bogomolov.1978
Moscow. Monument to A. Pushkin. Sculptor A. Opekushin. Architect I. Bogomolov
Moscow. Monument to A. Pushkin. Sculptor A. Opekushin. Architect I. Bogomolov.1984
Moscow. Monument to A. Pushkin. Sculptor A. Opekushin
Moscow. Monument to A. Pushkin. Sculptor A. Opekushin.1986
- Nizhny Novgorod Region
Boldino. [Monument to Alexander Pushkin]
Boldino. [Monument to Alexander Pushkin].Между 1925 и 1975
- Odessa
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province.Не ранее 1889
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Monument to A.S. Pushkin in the city of Odessa Kherson province.Не ранее 1889
Odessa. Monument to the great Russian poet AS Pushkin
Odessa. Monument to the great Russian poet A. Pushkin.1947
- Orenburg
Orenburg. Monument to Alexander Pushkin. Sculptor V. Stepanyan
Orenburg. Monument to Alexander Pushkin. Sculptor V. Stepanyan.1985
- Pskov Region
The Pushkin Mountains. The grave of the great Russian poet AS Pushkin
The Pushkin Mountains. The grave of the great Russian poet AS Pushkin.До 1960
Pushkin's grave in the Svyatogorsk Monastery
The grave of Pushkin in the Svyatogorsk monastery.1968.1968
The Pushkin Mountains. Grave of Alexander Pushkin
The Pushkin Mountains. Grave of Alexander Pushkin.1969
Svyatogorsky Monastery. Grave of Alexander Pushkin
Svyatogorsky Monastery. Grave of Alexander Pushkin.Между 1980 и 1990
Grave of Alexander Pushkin. The Holy Assumption Monastery of St. Svyatogorsky (Pushkin Mountains)
Kassirova, Anastasia Alexeevna (1991-). Grave of Alexander Pushkin. The Holy Assumption Monastery of St. Svyatogorsky (Pushkin Mountains). St. Petersburg, May 3, 2015.Фотографии могилы А. С. Пушкина и Святогорского Свято-Успенского мужского монастыря, на территории которого она расположена: 1-2. Успенский собор ; 3-4. Могила А. С. Пушкина ; 5-6. Вид с лестницы на монастырские строения ; 7. Каменные кресты
2015 - St. Petersburg
Leningrad. Obelisk in place of the duel of Alexander Pushkin. Architect A. Lapirov, bas-relief of the sculptor M. Manizer. 1937
Leningrad. Obelisk in place of the duel of Alexander Pushkin. Architect A. Lapirov, bas-relief of the sculptor M. Manizer. 19371961
- Tsarskoye Selo
[Children's Village. Monument to Alexander Pushkin in the Lyceum Garden]
[Children's Village. Monument to Alexander Pushkin in the Lyceum Garden].1920-е
Monument to Alexander Pushkin in the Lyceum garden. Sculptor R. Bach. 1899
Monument to Alexander Pushkin in the Lyceum garden. Sculptor R. Bach. 18991930 - 1940-ые
Leningrad. Monument to Alexander Pushkin in the mountains. Pushkin. 1900 Sculptor R. Bach
Leningrad. Monument to Alexander Pushkin in the mountains. Pushkin. 1900. Sculptor R. Bach.1957
RR Bach (1859-1932). Monument to Pushkin - Lyceum. 1899, Pushkin
RR Bach (1859-1932). Monument to Pushkin - Lyceum. 1899, the city of Pushkin.1961
The city of Pushkin. Monument to Alexander Pushkin. 1900. Sculptor R. Bach
The city of Pushkin. Monument to Alexander Pushkin. 1900. Sculptor R. Bach.Между 1980 и 1990
январь – август 1861 (сканы 6-8)