Anniversaries of death of the poet
Anniversaries of death of the poet
Russian antiquity. G. 31 1900, T. 101, book. 1, January
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 31 1900, Vol. 101, book. 1, January: G. 31 1900, Vol. 101, book. 1, January. 1900.
G. 31 1900, Vol. 101, book. 1, January: G. 31 1900, Vol. 101, book. 1, January. 1900.
Conference-Veinar "Memorial Day of A. S. Pushkin"
Conference-Web "Memorial Day of A. S. Pushkin."St. Petersburg, February 10, 2023.
- 50th anniversary
The case about the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the poet A.S.Pushkin
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case about the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the poet A.S.Pushkin.декабрь 1886 - январь 1887
In memory of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of A.S.Pushkin
In memory of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of A.S.Pushkin.St. Petersburg: ed.Imp.Alexander Lyceum, 1887.A few words about the significance of Pushkin in the history of Russian literature
Zhdanov, Ivan Nikolayevich (literary critic, 1846-1901). A few words about the significance of Pushkin in the history of Russian literature. St. Petersburg: printing house R. Golike, 1887.Оттиск из издания: 29 января 1887 года: в память пятидесятилетия кончины А. С. Пушкина. Спб., 1887
Works by VD Spasovich. T. 1. Literary essays and portraits
Spasovich, Vladimir Danilovich (1829-1906). Works by VD Spasovich. S.-Petersburg: Legal book store "Right", 1913.
T. 1: Literary essays and portraits. 1913.Спасович В. Д. О Пушкине. Речь, произнесенная 31 января 1887 г. в С.-Петербурге на поминальном обеде по поводу исполнившегося пятидесятилетия со дня кончины Пушкина. . С. 209-213 (сканы 223-229)
- 100th anniversary
Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1935, No. 64 (December 29)
THE USSR. Laws and regulations. Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Moscow, 1924-1937.
1935, No. 64 (December 29). 1936.Об учреждении Всесоюзного Пушкинского комитета в связи со столетием со дня смерти А.С. Пушкина. С. 911 (скан 5)
Bonfire. 1937, No. 2 (February)
Bonfire. Moscow: Central Committee of the VLKSM, Publishing House of Children's Literature, 1936-; Leningrad. Film 1937, No. 2 (February). 1937.A red star. 1937, No. 34 (4492) (10 February)
A red star. Leningrad, 1921-1938.
1937, No. 34 (4492) (February 10). 1937.Red flag. 1937, No. 33 (4896) (Feb. 10)
Red flag. 1937, No. 33 (4896) (Feb. 10). Tyumen: Type. publishing house "Red Flag", [1923] -.Crocodile. 1937. № 3. January
Crocodile. Moscow, 1922-. Film 1937. № 3. January. 1937.Murzilka. [G. 13 1937, No. 2]
Murzilka. Moscow, 1924-.
[G. 13 1937, No. 2]. 1937.Материалы, посвященные столетию со дня смерти А.С. Пушкина. С. 11-16 (сканы 15-20)
Pioneer. 1937, No. 2
Pioneer. Moscow, 1924-.
1937, No. 2. 1937.Новиков И. День в Гурзуфе. Рассказ о южной ссылке А. С. Пушкина, опубликованный в связи с годовщиной смерти поэта. С. 30-35 (сканы 30-35)
Pushkin 1837-1937.1937. No. 2
Pushkin 1837-1937.1937. No. 2. 1937.Однодневная газета, выпуск второй. Издание Комитета по устройству Дня русской культуры во Франции
Pushkin and Siberia
Pushkin and Siberia.1937.Soviet Siberia. 1937, No. 34 (5198) (10 Feb.)
Soviet Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1919-.
1937, No. 34 (5198) (10 Feb.): 1937, No. 34 (5198) (10 Feb.). 1937.
Веневитинов М. А. Некрологи Пушкина в немецких газетах 1837 года. С. 67-96 [сканы 77-106].