Caesura in Russian verse of the 18th and the first quarter of the 20th century

Korchagin, Kirill (candidate of philological sciences; 1986).
Caesura in Russian verse of the 18th and the first quarter of the 20th century: the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of Philology: speciality 10.02.19 /Kirill Korchagin; [-T RUS them. V. v. Vinogradov]. -Moscow, 2012. -27.; 21 cm.. -
Place of Defense: inst Eng. Armenian. them. V. V. Vinogradov. List of works-author: c. 27 (10 titles). -Refs. in podstroch. rem. .. -A manuscript.
. -120 copies. .Теория>
1. People (collection). 2. Russian (collection). 3. theory of language. 4. Russian Verse-Caesura-authors ' abstracts of dissertations. 5. Russian literature-Prosody-authors ' abstracts of dissertations.
BBC 81.411.2-1ja031
BBC 83.3 (2 = 411.2)-118 ja031
Electronic copy source: IRJa wounds. Site
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