General studies
General studies
Semiolinguistic Aspects of the Orthodox and Catholic Life of the Discourse of the 11th-17th Centuries
Averyanova, Ekaterina Viktorovna (Doctor of Philology). Semiolingvisticheskie aspects of the Orthodox and Catholic hagiographic discourse of the XI - XVII centuries. Tyumen, 2014.
Functional-grammatical features of qualitative adverbs in the Old Russian language: the hull approach
Anikina, Regina Aleksandrovna (candidate of philological sciences). Functional-grammatical features of qualitative adverbs in the Old Russian language: the hull approach. Kazan, 2013.
Ways of interpretation of the symbol in the Old Russian text
Antipova, Irina Alexandrovna. Ways of interpreting the symbol in the Old Russian text. Moscow, 2010.
Semantics and functions of verbs in the life of Alexander Nevsky
Baturin, Tatiana Mikhailovna (Candidate of Philology). Semantics and functions of verbs in the life of Alexander Nevsky. Volgograd, 2010.
Lexical discrepancies in the monuments of the Russian Middle Ages as a reflection of the process of formation of synonymous relations in the Russian language (on the basis of different lists of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "Lives of Sergei Radonezhsky")
Bezmaternykh, Elena Igorevna. Lexical discrepancies in the monuments of the Russian Middle Ages as a reflection of the process of formation of synonymous relations in the Russian language (on the basis of different lists of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "Lives of Sergei Radonezhsky"). Izhevsk, 2010.
Dynamic processes in the related lists of the Minecraft Triumphant of the 15th century
Belous, Anastasia Alexandrovna (candidate of philological sciences). Dynamic processes in the related lists of the Minecraft Torch of the XV century. Tomsk, 2009.
Stable comparisons in the Old Russian text: semantics and structure
Bogrov, Ksenia Mikhailovna (Candidate of Philology). Stable comparisons in the Old Russian text: semantics and structure. Ivanovo, 2012.
The plot typology of the genre of life in the Russian literature of the 11th-16th centuries
Vasiliev, Vladimir Kirillovich (Candidate of Philology, director-film documentary).
The plot typology of the genre of life in the Russian literature of the XI - XVI centuries.
Tomsk, 2007.
Tomsk, 2007.
Foreign vocabulary and features of its use in travel notes Petrovsky time
Your Saybayar (Candidate of Philology). Foreign vocabulary and features of its use in travel notes Petrovsky time. Moscow, 2007.
Traditional formulas of Russian annals: structure and semantics
Zainullina, Saida Radikovna. Traditional formulas of Russian annals: structure and semantics. Izhevsk, 2015.