General studies
General studies
Life of the Virgin in the Russian manuscript tradition
Sosnitskaya, Daria Valeryevna (PhD). Life of the Virgin in the Russian manuscript tradition. Moscow, 2010.
The genre nature of stories about princely crimes as part of the ancient Russian chronicle of the pre-Mongol period
Sochneva, Natalia Aleksandrovna (Candidate of Philology). The genre nature of stories about princely crimes as part of the ancient Russian chronicle of the pre-Mongol period. Tyumen, 2014.
Genre specificity of the narrations about the posthumous miracles of the holy ascetics in the composition of Old Russian hagiography
Starodumov, Igor Vasilievich (candidate of philological sciences). Genre specificity of the narrations about the posthumous miracles of the holy ascetics in the composition of Old Russian hagiography. Omsk, 2009.
Russian satirical magazines of the XVIII century: questions of poetics
Trakhtenberg, Lev Arkadevich (Doctor of Philology). Russian satirical magazines of the XVIII century: questions of poetics. Moscow, 2016.
"Chetyi-Minei" and the Russian literature of modern times
Tereshkina, Daria Borisovna. "Chetny Minei" and the Russian literature of the New Time. Nizhny Novgorod, 2015.
The Ostroh Bible of 1581: directions of the books of the New Testament books
Han Zhi Hyun (Candidate of Philology). The Ostroh Bible of 1581: directions of the books of the New Testament books. Moscow, 2010.
Handwritten monument of the beginning of the XVIII century. "Record of astronomical phenomena in the sky over the city of Tobolsk" in the aspect of linguistic source study and historical stylistics
Chernyakova, Marina Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). Handwritten monument of the beginning of the XVIII century. "Record of astronomical phenomena in the sky over the city of Tobolsk" in the aspect of linguistic source study and historical stylistics. Arkhangelsk, 2016.
The language and textuality of the Old Russian Officer Varlaam Khutynsky: (from the manuscript of GIM Syn. 604, beginning of XIII century)
Shalygina, Natalia Vladimirovna
Language and textuality of the Old Russian Officer Varlaam Khutynsky: (from the manuscript of GIM Syn. 604, beginning of XIII century). Moscow, 2009.