Charter of the artillery service on ships R.-K.K.F. Artillery Service Rules

THE USSR. Military manuals and instructions.
Charter of the artillery service on ships R.-K.K.F. Rules of Artillery Service / USSR, Marine Statutory Commission. No. 3, Control of artillery fire for maritime purposes. - Leningrad: RIO of the Naval Forces of the Red Army, 1927. -72 p. : heck. ; 18 cm. -
Not to be announced.
. -1500 copies. .
1. Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (1918 - 1946) - History - until 1941 - Charters, instructions, etc. 2. Power (collection). 3. The Armed Forces of Russia (collection).
BKK 63.3 (2) 614y1
BBK 68.41 (2) y1
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: ВМА
Publisher РИО В.-Морских сил РККА
Catalogue object