Notices of the Ministry of the Imperial Court to Prince Golitsyn, NM, about the award of his daughter Golitsyna AN to the maid o...

Identifier 271295db-1179-4533-800b-ae7c9f3e876e
Title Notices of the Ministry of the Imperial Court to Prince Golitsyn, NM, about the award of his daughter Golitsyna AN to the maid of honor and permission to marry Rodzianko MV
Dates 1883

Лист 1 - 2 гербовые марки. Листы 1, 2, 3 - двойные

Документы рукописные

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 605 / 1 / 87
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Series Ekaterina Vladimirovna (nee Kvashnina-Samarina)
Extent 3 листа
Fonds Rodzianko Vladimir Mikhailovich, Lieutenant-General, Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie Corps. 1828-1893. Rodzianko Mikhail Vladimirovich, son of VM Rodzianko, chairman of the III and IY of the State Duma, member of the "Union of October 1
Summary Документальные материалы Михаила Владимировича Родзянко и его семьи; Документальные материалы Анны Николаевны Родзянко (ур. Голицына) и Георгия Михайловича Родзянко, жены и сына М. В. Родзянко
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