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Fight against counter-revolution in Siberia and the Far East: [conversation 1-5].- [Chita]: the Military-Editorial Board of Kra and Fleet DVR, 1922. - [2], 150, [2] p., 1 l.plan.: portrait, diagnostic.;18 cm - (Politchas conversations).-Without a common title leaf.Described on the cover.With the 1st congelation there is an independent title page.Contains: 1st conversation.Soviet power and counter-revolution;Conduct 2nd.Partisan struggle in the Far East and the Red Army;Conversation 3rd.The defeat and the emergence of the Far Eastern Buffer;Conversation 4th.Buffer in 1920;Talk 5th.The victory over the counter-revolution and the formation of Soviet power..1. Power (collection).2. People (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. 1918: Formation of Soviet statehood (collection).5. Counter-revolution in Russia - 1918 - 1920. 6. Civil War and Military Intervention in Russia - Siberia - 1918 - 1920. 7. Civil War and Military Intervention in Russia - Far East - 1918 - 1920.BBK 63.3 (2) 611BBK 63.3 (2) 612Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: GPIB
Publisher | Военно-редакционный совет КРА и флота ДВР |
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