Author Лебедев Николай Афанасьевич Description Lebedev, Nikolai Afanasievich (1813-1896). On the exploits of state peasants. Pushhlakhty of Onega County of the Arkhangelsk Province against the enemy July 10, 1854 / [Com.] N. Lebedev. - St. Petersburg: type. G. Trusova, 1854. -15 p. ; 22. - . Source of the electronic copy: PB Publisher типография Г. Трусова Catalogue object Россия в 1 пол. XIX в. История Collections Republic of Crimea → Republic of Crimea: pages of history → Authority → Region’s part in the foreign policy of the state → Crimean War (1853–1856) → Other Theaters of War → Fighting on the White Sea