Other Theaters of War
Other Theaters of War
- Fighting on the Baltic Sea
The wars of Russia for the possession of the Baltic Sea, the policy of England in relation to Russia and the entry of the English fleet into the Baltic Sea
The wars of Russia for the possession of the Baltic Sea, the policy of England in relation to Russia and the entry of the English fleet into the Baltic Sea.
Moscow: Type. A. Semena, 1855.Marine collection. T. 154. № 5. May
Marine collection. St. Petersburg, 1848-.
T. 154. № 5. May. 1876.Memories of the formation and military operations of the Sandhamn batteries in 1854 and 1855 (scans 163–197)
The defense of the Baltic coast in 1854-1856
Krenke, Victor Danilovich (1816-1893). Defense of the Baltic coast in 1854-1856.
St. Petersburg: V. Berezovsky, 1887.War on the Finnish coast of 1854-1855.
Borodkin, Mikhail Mikhailovich. War on the Finnish coast of 1854-1855 gg.SPb. : A type. Heads. Exercise. udelov, 1903.Brief history of Finland
Borodkin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1852-1919).Brief history of Finland.St. Petersburg: T-in R. Golik and A. Vilborg, 1911.Fighting on the Baltic Sea during the Crimean War (scans 150–156)
Baltic fleet 50 years ago, in the campaign of 1854-1855
Istomin, Mikhail Konstantinovich.Baltic fleet 50 years ago, in the campaign of 1854-1855.St. Petersburg: Type.Mor.M-BA, 1904.Campaign 1854 in the Baltic Sea
Campaign of 1854 in the Baltic Sea.St. Petersburg: Type.Morror.M-BA, 1911.The case of the addition of horses at the stations of the St. Petersburg province, in the Narva and Vyborg tracts, in the event of hostilities on the Baltic Sea.N. 28/IX;K. 23/X.1854
The case of the addition of horses at the stations of the St. Petersburg province, in the Narva and Vyborg tracts, in the event of hostilities on the Baltic Sea.N. 28/IX;K. 23/X.1854 ,1854. - Fighting on the White Sea
On the actions of the British on the White Sea in 1854
On the actions of the British on the White Sea in 1854. [Arkhangelsk: Type. Lips. edit, 1854].On the exploits of state peasants. Pushhlakhty of the Onega district of the Arkhangelsk province against the enemy on July 10, 1854.
Lebedev, Nikolai Afanasievich (1813-1896). On the exploits of state peasants. Pushhlakhty of Onega County of Arkhangelsk Province against the enemy July 10, 1854 St. Petersburg: type. G. Trusova, 1854.- Defence of the Solovetsky Monastery
Solovetsky monastery and a description of its bombing by the British on July 7, 1854
Solovetsky monastery and a description of the bombardment of it by the British on July 7, 1854.
Moscow: Type. PN Sharapov, 1855.Historical description of the stauropegic first-class Solovetsky monastery
Meletios (Shergin, Mikhail Alekseevich, Archimandrite, 1814-1893). Historical description of the stauropegic first-class Solovetsky monastery. Moscow: Type. MN Lavrov and Co., 1881.The British attack on the monastery in 1854 (scans 262–295)
The history of the first class Solovetsky monastery
The history of the first class stauropegial Solovki monastery.
St. Petersburg: type. St. Petersburg. acc. Society. printer. affairs in Russia E. Evdokimova, 1899.The British attack on the monastery (scans 159–178)
Description of the defense Solovetsky stauropegic first-class monastery from the attack of the British on July 6 and 7, 1854
Description of the defense Solovetsky stauropegic first-class monastery from the attack of the British on July 6 and 7, 1854.
Arkhangelsk: Tipo-lit. CM. Pavlov, 1905.
- Fighting in the Far East
Attack on the Peter and Paul port of the Anglo-French squadron in 1854
Attack on the Peter and Paul port of the Anglo-French squadron in 1854. St. Petersburg: Type. VS Balasheva, 1884.Defense Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka
Sergeev, M.A. Kamalovsk-on-Kamchatka Petropavlovsk.Moscow: Military.Publishing house NKVMF USSR, 1940;Leningrad.Archival materials on the history of events in the Far East of Russia from 1847-1855, extracted from the affairs of Vladivostok port archives
Silnitsky, Anton Petrovich (1863-1910). Archival materials on the history of events in the Far East of Russia from 1847-1855, extracted from the affairs of Vladivostok port archives.
Khabarovsk: printing house of the Headquarters of the Amur Military District, 1897.On concentration in a convenient point on the eastern shores of Siberia of the sea forces and on the transfer of military vessels, army and other accessories into the mouth of the Amur River from Kamchatka.February 2, 1855
On concentration in a convenient point on the eastern shores of Siberia of the sea forces and on the transfer of military vessels, army and other accessories into the mouth of the Amur River from Kamchatka.February 2, 18551855.Kamchatka and her inhabitants
Margaritov, Vasily Petrovich.Kamchatka and its inhabitants.Khabarovsk: Type.Office of Priamur.Gen.-lips., 1899.
Fighting on the Baltic Sea during the Crimean War (scans 91–115)