Agricultural zoning of Vladimir county

Chernobrovtsev, S.V.
Agricultural zoning of Vladimirsky district. - Vladimir: [Tipo-lit. Vladizd-va "The Call"], 1926. -24 p. : tab., maps .. -
It is in one cover from the edition .: Modern (since 1909) state of poultry farming in the Vladimir province and measures to improve it. (Vladimir on the Klyazma: Tipo-literary Gubernia of the State Council, 1910).
Bibliograf. in a substring. note .. - Otd. ot. from № 8-9 of the magazine. "Our household."
. -560 copies. .
I. Mislavsky, A.D ..
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Типолит. Владизд. "Призыв"
Catalogue object