Economy. Economical geography
Economy. Economical geography
- Management of economy. Financial management. Budget
The main provisions of the ten-year plan for the development of the economy of Vladimir Gubernia.
The main provisions of the ten-year plan for the development of the economy of the Vladimir guberniya.Vladimir: Vladimir Gubplan, 1927.Vladimir Region
Ascension, Vladimir. The Vladimir region. Vladimir: [tipo-litogr. № 1 Vladpolygraphtrust], 1928. - Statistical information on the economy
A statistical guide to the Vladimir province .... Part 1. ... for 1923-1924
A statistical guide to the Vladimir province ... Vladimir: edition of the Vladimir Gubstatbureau, 1924-1925.
Part 1: ... for the years 1923-1924. 1924.A statistical guide to the Vladimir province .... for 1924-1925
A statistical guide to the Vladimir province ... Vladimir Gub .: B. i., 1928.
for 1924-1925. 1925. - Industrial production, arts and crafts. Activities of individual enterprises
Experience bibliographic index of literature on the cottage industry of Vladimir province
Smirnov, Alexander Vasilyevich (1854-1918). Experience bibliographic index of literature on the cottage industry of Vladimir province. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Typo-lithograph of the Provincial Zemstvo Administration, 1902.The entrepreneurial activity of the dynasties of merchants-Old Believers of the Vladimir province (second half of the 18th century - 1917)
Egorova, Galina Sergeevna. Entrepreneurial activity of the dynasties of Old Believers merchants in the Vladimir province (second half of the 18th century - 1917). Vladimir: [b. and.], 2012.List of factories and plants of the Vladimir province, estimated by order of the Provincial Zemsky Assembly in 1882, 1883 and 1884.
List of factories and plants of the Vladimir province, estimated by order of the Provincial Zemsky Assembly in 1882, 1883 and 1884 [Vladimir. lips.]: type-lit. Lips. earth. 1888.Factories, factories and other industrial establishments of the Vladimir province
Svirsky, Victor Frantsevich. Factories, factories and other industrial establishments of the Vladimir province. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. earth. 1890.Commercial index of factories, factories and other industrial establishments of the Vladimir province
Chereshnev, F.Commercial index of factories, factories and other industrial establishments of the Vladimir province. Vladimir: Skoropech. I. Koil, 1912.A short essay on the handicraft industry of the Vladimir province
Fedoseev, Leonid Alekseevich. A short essay on the handicraft industry of Vladimir province. Vladimir: typical lithography of the Provincial Government, 1901. - Agriculture
Works of local committees on the needs of the agricultural industry. VI. The Vladimir province.
Works of local committees on the needs of the agricultural industry. VI. The Vladimir province.1903.Code of Regulations of the Vladimir Gubernia Zemstvo Assembly on agronomic measures for 1899-1907.
Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. Code of the current resolutions of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on agronomic measures for 1899-1907 Vladimir on Klyazma, 1908.Code of the current resolutions of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on agronomic measures for 1899-1911.
Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. Code of the current resolutions of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on agronomic measures for 1899-1911 Vladimir.N / Klyazma, 1913.Voluntary correspondents' reports on changes in the technique of the peasant farming of the Vladimir province and measures to improve the economic situation of the local agricultural population
Baskin, Grigory Ivanovich (1866-1937). A summary of voluntary correspondents' reports on the changes in the technique of the peasant economy of the Vladimir province and on measures to improve the economic situation of the local agricultural population. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. lips. zemsk. Uchava, 1898.Vladimir province in the agricultural sense. Part 1
Dubensky, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1822-1892). Vladimir province in the agricultural sense. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Ministry of State Property, 1851.
Part 1. 1851.Implementation of the agrarian reform of PA Stolypin in the Vladimir and Kostroma provinces in 1906-1914.
Leonov, Evgeny Yurievich (candidate of historical sciences). Implementation of the agrarian reform of PA Stolypin in the Vladimir and Kostroma gubernias in 1906-1914. Ivanovo, 2011.Agricultural zoning of Vladimir county
Chernobrovtsev, SV Agricultural division of the Vladimir district. Vladimir: [Tipo-lit. Vladizd-va "The Appeal"], 1926.Results and prospects of collective farm construction in the Vladimir province
Lebedev, Dm.The results and prospects of collective farm construction in Vladimir province. Vladimir: Vladimir. lips. land management, 1928. - Finance. Taxes and fees
Formation and development of credit cooperation in the Vladimir province in the late XIX-early XX century
Petrova, Julia Olegovna (candidate of historical sciences). Formation and development of credit cooperation in the Vladimir province in the late XIX-early XX century. Ivanovo, 2009. - Transport and communication routes
Economic survey of horse roads in Vladimir province
Economic survey of horse roads in Vladimir province. Vladimir: Publication of the Vladimir Provincial Municipal Department, 1929.