Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).1921, № 4 (February)

RCP (B).Karelia and Olonets provincial committee.Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).- 1920, № 1 (November) - 1922, № 4/5.-Petrozavodsk, 1920-1922.- 28 cm. -Heading: 1920, № 1 - 1921, № 8 Bulletin Karelian-Olonetsky RCP Committee (b);1921, № 1 (November) - 1922, № 3 Bulletin Olonetsky RCP Committee (b).It turns 1 time per month..1. RCP (B).Karelia and Olonets provincial committee - Periodicals.2. Power (collection).3. The people (set).4. The area (collection).5. The territory of Russia: Karelia, Republic of (collection).6. Domestic serials and serials (collection).BBK 63.3 (28-8Olo) 612-542ya5BBK 63.3 (28-8Olo) 613-542ya5electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NBR Karelia1921, № 4 (February).- -20 1921 s.: Table .. -Contains: Study the second program.Karelia and Olonets regional conference Kavbureau.The Party and the autonomy of Karelia / L. Hershanowitsch.Circulars Kavbureau.Circulars Karelia and Olonets.region.KRKP [et al.]..1. RCP (B).Olonets provincial committee - Periodicals.2. Power (collection).3. The people (set).4. The area (collection).5. The territory of Russia: Karelia, Republic of (collection).6. The Republic of Karelia: the pages of history (collection).BBK 63.3 (28-8Olo) 613-542ya5electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NBR Karelia
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