Administrative management
Administrative management
Case on the definition and dismissal of officials by Olonets Gubernia
Russia.Ministry of the Interior.Department of Police Executive.The case of the definition and dismissal of officials on the Olonets province.1811.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
The case of the camps of the Olonets province
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case of the camps of the Olonets province.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
The publication of compulsory decisions on Olonetskaya province
Department of Police of the Ministry of the Interior.The publication of compulsory decisions on the Olonetsk province.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
On the publication of mandatory resolutions on provinces.Olonets province
Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior.On the publication of mandatory resolutions on provinces.Olonets province.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).1920, № 2 (December)
RCP (B).Karelia and Olonets provincial committee.Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).Petrozavodsk, 1920-1922.1920, № 2 (December).1920.
НБР Карелия
Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).1921, № 1 (November)
RCP (B).Karelia and Olonets provincial committee.Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).Petrozavodsk, 1920-1922.1921, № 1 (November).1921.
НБР Карелия
Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).1921, № 4 (February)
RCP (B).Karelia and Olonets provincial committee.Bulletin Olonetsky Committee of the RCP (b).Petrozavodsk, 1920-1922.1921, № 4 (February).1921.
НБР Карелия
Collection of the most important for the Autonomous Karelian Socialist Soviet Republic existing decrees and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR, the RSFSR and the AKSR
THE USSR. Council of People's Commissars
Collection of the most important for the Autonomous Karelian Socialist Soviet Republic existing decrees and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR, the RSFSR and the AKSSR. 1924, No. 1/2/3 (1 April). [Petrozavodsk]: ed. People's Commissar of the AKSSR, 1924.
НБ Респ. Карелия
The results of the inspection and cleaning of the Karelian organization of the CPSU (b) in 1929
VKP (b).Karelian regional committee.The results of the inspection and cleaning of the Karelian organization of the CPSU (b) in 1929.[Petrazavodsk: Gos.type of.them.Anokhina 1929].
НБР Карелия
Solutions Karelian XII Regional Conference of the CPSU (b), 10-15 January 1934
VKP (b).Karelian regional conference.Solutions Karelian XII Regional Conference of the CPSU (b), 10-15 January 1934 g.Petrazavodsk: the publication of the Karelian Regional Committee of the CPSU (b) 1934.
НБР Карелия