Excerpts from N. Tchaikovsky's letter on behalf of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region to General Poole, represent...

Identifier 88a18603-a237-4a23-8c59-8d47cc789e37
Title Excerpts from N. Tchaikovsky's letter on behalf of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region to General Poole, representative of the English command in Arkhangelsk, expressing gratitude for the intervention of the British army on the territory of Russia
Dates 1919
Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number 256
Cataloguing source НПО Опыт
Series Tchaikovsky Nikolay Vasilyevich. 1874-1926 gg.
Extent 3 листа
Fonds Nikolai Tchaikovsky, participant in the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, creator of the Tchaikovsky Society, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, head of the Supreme Administration of the Northern Region, head of the Provisional Government of
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