History of destinies for the century of their existence. 1797-1897. T. 3. Applications

History of destinies for the century of their existence. 1797-1897 / [Ed. Borodulina ... with the assistance of Romanov, Rein and Chudnovsky]. T. 1-. - St. Petersburg: type. Ch. Exercise. destinies, 1901-1902. - 28. - .
I. Borodulin, Alexander Mikhailovich. II. Raine, Fedor Fedorovich. III. Chudnovsky, Vasily Ilyich. IV. Romanov, Andrei Romanovich. V. Russia. Ch. Exercise. destinies.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
T. 3: Applications. - 1902. -199, [2] p. : tab. -
Ex: without a domain.
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Gd Franco
Publisher типография Главного управления уделов
Catalogue object