Materials of the Kuznetsk-Barnaul soil expedition in 1931. Series Siberian. Part 4. Issue. 1. The soils of the Gornyak farm near...

Materials of the Kuznetsk-Barnaul soil expedition of 1931
Part 4. Issue. 1: Soil of the Gornyak farm near Leninsk Kuznetsky. - 1936. -87 p., 1 l. kart. : il., tabl. - (Series of the Siberian Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Council for the Study of Natural Resources (SOPS) and Soil Institute named after Dokuchaev, Issue 21). -
On the region. zagl. series: Series Siberian / Acad. Sciences of the USSR. Council on the study. produces. forces (SOPS) and the Soil Institute. V.V.
Bibliograf. in a substring. note
I. Zavalishin, AA.1. Territory (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: RGO
Publisher Издательство Академии наук СССР
Catalogue object