Chronicle of events in southwestern Russia in the XVII century.T. 3.

Velichko, SamoilChronicle of events in southwestern Russia in the XVII century / Sost.Samuel Velichko, former.Chancellery office of the troops of Zaporizhia, 1720. - Kiev: Temporary Commission for the analysis of ancient acts, [1855].-.1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFUT. 3. - Temporary Commission for the parsing of ancient acts, 1855. - [6], IV, XII, 5-568, [2] p.: Tab .. -Part of the text on the floor.Yaz.On add.Tit.l.Half.: Summer's chronicle is great.Ex.: No oblast.1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFU
Publisher в типо-литографическом заведении Иосифа Вальнера
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