Antique decorative painting in the south of Russia. Text

Rostovtsev, Mikhail Ivanovich (historian; 1870-1952).
Antique decorative painting in the south of Russia / M. Rostovtsev. - St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Archeological Commission, 1913-1914. - 38 cm. - .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Antique painting. 3. The Black Sea Coast Northern - Archaeological research.
BBK 63.48 (2)
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: UrFU
Text. T. 1, Description and study of monuments. - 1914.-XVIII, 537 p. : il .. -
Part of the text in several foreign languages.
Dedicated to Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov.
Bibliography in the text and footnotes. - Copy with handwritten marks.
1. Territory (collection). 2. The Imperial Archaeological Commission (collection). 3. Antique painting. 4. The Black Sea Region Northern - Archaeological research.
BBK 63.48 (2)
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: UrFU
Publisher издание Императорской Археологической комиссии
Catalogue object