Publications of the commission
Publications of the commission
- Individual research studies
Kerch Christian catacomb of 491 years
Kulakovsky, Julian Andreevich (1855-1919). The Kerch Christian catacomb is 491 years old. St. Petersburg: Izd. Imp. Archaeol. comm., 1891.Antiquities of the burial mound "Karagodeuashkh" as a material for the everyday history of the Kuban region in the 4th-3rd centuries. before R.X.
Lappo-Danilevsky, Alexander Sergeevich (1863-1919). Antiquities of the burial mound "Karagodeuashkh" as a material for the everyday history of the Kuban region in the 4th-3rd centuries. before the Kh. St. Petersburg: Izd. Imp. Archaeologist. Komis., 1893.Russian treasures. T. 1
Kondakov, Nikodim Pavlovich (1844-1925). Russian treasures. T. 1.
St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Archaeological Commission, 1896. 1896.Mosques of Samarkand. Issue. 1. Gur Emir
Mosques of Samarkand.
Issue. 1: Gur-Emir. 1905.Pontika
Latyshev, Vasily Vasilievich (1855-1921).Pontika.St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1909.Antique decorative painting in the south of Russia. Atlas
Rostovtsev. Mikhail Ivanovich. historian. 1870-1952. Antique decorative painting in the south of Russia. St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Archaeological Commission, 1913-1914.
Atlas. 1913.Antique decorative painting in the south of Russia. Text
Rostovtsev. Mikhail Ivanovich. historian. 1870-1952. Antique decorative painting in the south of Russia. St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Archaeological Commission, 1913-1914.
Text. 1914. - Reports of the Archaeological Commission
Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (annex to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1859)
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (supplement to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1859).Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (annex to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1860)
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (supplement to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1860).Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (annex to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1861)
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (supplement to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1861).Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (annex to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1862)
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (supplement to the report of the Archaeological Commission for 1862).Drawings of Russian medals, jewelery and household items from ancient Bulgaria and ancient (Slavic?) Letters (appendices to the Archaeological Commission report?)
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
Drawings of Russian medals, jewelry and household items from ancient Bulgaria and ancient (Slavic?) letters (appendices to the report of the Archaeological Commission?).Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (annex to the report of the Archaeological Commission for the years 1882-1888)
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
Atlas of drawings of objects of ancient art (annex to the report of the Archaeological Commission for the years 1882-1888).Report of the Archaeological Commission .... for 1913-1915.
The Imperial Archaeological Commission. (St. Petersburg). Report of the Archaeological Commission ... Petrograd, 1862-1918.
for 1913-1915 year.1918. - “Materialy po arheologii Rossii izdavayemyye Imperatorskoy arheologicheskoy komissiyey” (Materials on Archaeology of Russia published by the Imperial Archaeological Commission)
Materials on the archeology of Russia, published by the Imperial archaeological commission. № 20. Kurgans of the St. Petersburg Province in the excavations of L. K. Ivanovsky
Materials on the archeology of Russia, published by the Imperial archaeological commission. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
No. 20: Mounds of the St. Petersburg Province in the excavations of L. K. Ivanovsky. St. Petersburg: Typography of the General Directorate, 1896.