The image of peasant leaders XVII-XVIII centuries in Russian historiography: Experience of Comparative Analysis

Simon, Marina VladimirovnaThe image of peasant leaders XVII-XVIII centuries in Russian historiography: the experience of the comparative analysis: the author's abstract dis.... The candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.09 / Simonova Marina Vladimirovna;[A protection Place: Vol.state.Univ].- Tomsk, 2017. -26 to .. -.1. Bolotnikov Ivan Isaevich (- 1607) - Abstracts of dissertations.2. Razin, Stepan T. (ca. 1630 -. 1671) - Abstracts of dissertations.3. Nekrasov, Ignat Fedorovich (1660 - 1737) - Abstracts of dissertations.4. Bulavin Kondrat Afanasievich (1660 - 1708) - Abstracts of dissertations.5. Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich (1744 -? 1775) - Abstracts of dissertations.6. The people (set).7. Historiography, a source study and methods of historical research.8. Peasant War - Historiography - Russia - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 63.3 (2) 51-422ya031BBK 63.3 (2) 44-422ya031electronic copy Source: TSU.Website
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