The case of the issuance of a 10-year-old privilege of the peasant of the Perm province, the Yekaterinburg county, the Nizhnyagi...

Identifier 6a95781c-da1d-4a6c-9cd9-f45df7442c09
Title The case of the issuance of a 10-year-old privilege of the peasant of the Perm province, the Yekaterinburg county, the Nizhnyagilsky Demidov Plants, Mikhail Klementiev Uhkov, on the Beak invented
Dates 1848.
Notes Handwritten text.InkThe original header of the case: On the issuance of the privilege of the peasant Ushkov NNA invented by the Wike: June 19 - October 4, 1848
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1152 / 3 / 104
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series 1840-1849
Extent 22 sheets
Creator Russia.Department of state economy
Fonds Department of State Economy of the State Council
Display format