Imaginary subjects and objects as a factor in the modern political process of Russia

Guesses, Tatyana AlekseevnaImaginary subjects and objects as a factor in the modern political process of Russia: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences: specialty 23.00.02 / guess Tatyana Alekseevna;[Nizhgor.state.University named afterN.I. Lobachevsky].- Nizhny Novgorod, 2010. -21 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.21 (5 names) and in the subscription.Note..-100 copies..1. Power (collection).2. Political institutions, political processes and technologies.BBK 66.3 (2ros), 1y031BBK 66.4 (2ros), 0ya031Electronic copy source: NSU.Website
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