

Presidential Library continues video lecture series "From Rome to the Third Rome: the Birth and Flourishing of Russian Statehood"

10 March 2025

On March 10th, 2025 the Presidential Library hosted the second lecture in the series From Rome to the Third Rome: The Origin and Flourishing of Russian Statehood, as part of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture series. The topic of this lecture was The Collapse of the Succession of Vladimir the Saint and Overcoming the Crisis of Statehood by Vladimir Monomakh.

Materials of Presidential Library tell about Russian Emperor Alexander III

10 March 2025

180 years ago, on March 10 (February 26, old style), 1845, at the Anichkov Palace, Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor Alexander II and his wife, Maria Alexandrovna, had a second child. This joyous event was announced to the people of the capital at 15:00 by 301 cannon shots from the bastions of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In the evening, the city was beautifully illuminated. In honor of his father, the newborn was named Alexander, as reported by priest Konstantin Korolkov in his book The Life and Reign of Emperor Alexander III, which was published in 1901.

Facts from life of first cosmonaut presented on Presidential Library's portal

9 March 2025

On March 9, 1934, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, the world's first cosmonaut, was born. The Presidential Library has created an electronic collection called Outer Space, which is available on its portal. This collection includes a wide range of interesting materials related to space exploration, such as periodicals, scientific research, news footage, commemorative medals, badges, and postcards that reflect various milestones in the history of cosmonautics. Of course, it also includes materials dedicated to Yuri Gagarin's first human space flight. A separate section in the collection is devoted to him.

Presidential Library hosted gala concert of graduates of St. Petersburg Conservatory

7 March 2025

В преддверии Международного женского дня, 7 марта 2025 года, в Колонном зале Президентской библиотеки состоялся традиционный гала-концерт выпускников кафедры сольного пения Санкт-Петербургской государственной консерватории имени Н. А. Римского-Корсакова.
