Meeting with the representative of the Russian creative family in Paris

2 September 2020

The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris held a meeting with Olga Semyonova, a public figure, journalist, publicist, daughter of the author of spy and detective fiction Yulian Semyonov, granddaughter of children's writer Natalia Konchalovskaya, descendant of artist Vasily Surikov.

The guest of the Russian Center for Science and Culture told about her grandmother Natalya Konchalovskaya, a children's writer, translator, wife of Sergei Mikhalkov, with whom she published a series of children's books as co-author. Natalia Konchalovskaya was an honorary figure in the Soviet Peace Foundation and had warm relations with France. She translated and published two books about Edith Piaf and was engaged in translations of Georges Brassens and other contemporary authors. In 1983, she received the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Besides the family story, the meeting featured several musical numbers performed by Yulian Semyonov, the son of Olga Semyonova. He is a young pianist, a graduate of the Geneva Conservatory, a postgraduate student of the Paris Conservatory. He played some musical selections of Claude Debussy, Johann Bach and Franz Liszt to perfection.

The meeting participants shared views on further cooperation in the frameworks of the upcoming cultural and humanitarian projects of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris.

One of the most famous literary masterpieces by Yulian Semyonov the novel "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was published in French at the beginning of 2020, under the title "La Taupe rouge" ("Red Mole"). It aroused great interest in the French audience. Translator Monik Slodzian brilliantly conveyed the style of the legendary novel. Now she is completing the translation of the next book by Yulian Semyonov - "Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat".

Olga Semyonova also invited French participants and members of the International Music Festival "Road to Yalta" to visit the Yulian Semyonov House-Museum. These days, the festival is running in Crimea.

The famous "Stirlitz" Villa has a flavour of literature: there the writer created such favourite novels as "The Order is: Survive", "TASS Is Authorized to Declare", "Auction", "Expansion", "The Mystery of Kutuzovsky Prospect". Now, it is possible to visit the House-Museum of a famous writer and journalist any time and without leaving home thanks to a virtual tour provided by the Presidential Library's portal.

The special digital collection of the Presidential Library features materials about the life and career of the writer and journalist Yulian Semyonov. It presents digital copies of books, manuscripts, articles, archival documents and photographs that illustrate his life and diverse creative and social activities.

The complete collections of the national electronic depository are available at Remote Reading Rooms of the Presidential Library located in different countries.

Based on materials of the website