Russian House in Helsinki continues the Finist Literary Translation Contest
In 2021, the Russian House in Helsinki continues the Finist Literary Translation Contest. The project aims to introduce the Finnish reader to contemporary Russian literature. This year, participants will take part in three nominations:
Poetic Finist - translation of the poem A Cloud Like Ships by the Russian poet Maxim Zamshev;
Prosaic Finist - translation of the story Fish on the Hay by the Russian prose writer Boris Yekimov;
Finist for Children - translation of the story Cat's House by the children's writer Alexander Ginevsky. It is a nomination for beginner translators under 17 years old.
Materials are accepted from July 1 to November 21. The results will be announced on December 21. The contest winners will receive diplomas, and their translations will be published in Finnish periodicals. Also, they will give an interview to the Russian House in Helsinki.
Details information is available on the website of the Association of Humanists of the Planet - clck.ru/Vy7Ue.
Also, project participants may use the materials of the Presidential Library's electronic collection Russian Language while preparing for the contest. It features manuscripts and rare Russian publications, archival documents, scientific works, dictionaries and reference books, teaching aids. Access to materials is provided at the Centres of Remote Access to the Information Resources of the Presidential Library, located in 30 countries of the world.