Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Krata Repoa or Initiation into the ancient secret society of Egyptian priests.
Köppen, Karl Friedrich (1734-1798). Krata Repoa or Initiation into the ancient secret society of Egyptian priests. Moscow: Type. I. Lopukhina, 1784.
Guide to general history.Part 1 [Introduction.I. The history of ancient Egypt and Asian countries.II.The history of the development and spread of the Greek people before the collapse of the Macedonian monarchy.III.Rome's history and extend its dominion BC]
Lorenz.Friedrich Karlovich.historian.1803-1861.Guide to general history.St. Petersburg: the printing of military schools, 1845-1855.Part 1: [Introduction.I. The history of ancient Egypt and Asian countries.II.The history of the development and spread of the Greek people before the collapse of the Macedonian monarchy.III.Rome's history and extend its dominion BC].1845.
Russian Bulletin.T. 87, June 1870
Russian Bulletin.Moscow: Edition M. Katkova, 1856-1906.T. 87, June 1870. 1870.
Египетский могильный мир: публичное чтение Генриха Бругша (сканы 222–244)
Country sphinxes and pyramids
Pimenov, E.Strana sphinxes and pyramids.St. Petersburg: Izd ONPopova 1906.
Niva.G. 43. 1912. № 3
Niva.St. Petersburg, 1896.G. 43. 1912. No. 3. 1912.
Sverdlovsk region.Library for children and junior
A. M. Nagayeva. Ancient Egypt (scans 12–17)
Of oriental motifs. [Issue. 1]
Rozanov, Vasily Vasilyevich (1856-1919). Of oriental motifs. Petrograd: Sirius, 1916-.
[Issue. 1]. 1916.
[Issue. 1]. 1916.
Philosophical composition on Ancient Egyptian civilization
About Egypt (scans 43–56)