Рукописное отделение

Рукописное отделение

Information on manuscripts, printed publications and other subjects received by the Manuscript Division of the Library of the Imp. The Academy of Sciences .... in 1900 and 1901

Academy of Sciences. (St. Petersburg). Library. Handwriting department. Information on manuscripts, printed publications and other subjects received by the Manuscript Division of the Library of the Imp. Academy of Sciences ... St. Petersburg, 1902-1907.
in 1900 and 1901. 1902.

Description of the handwritten branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.1. Manuscripts

Academy of Sciences of the USSR.B-ka.Handwritten deposit.Description of the handwritten branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.Leningrad: Publishing House Acad.Sciences of the USSR, 1910.1: Manuscripts.St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1910.

Description of the handwritten branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.1. Manuscripts

Academy of Sciences of the USSR.B-ka.Handwritten deposit.Description of the handwritten branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.Leningrad: Publishing House Acad.Sciences of the USSR, 1915.1: Manuscripts.Petrograd: Type.Imp.Acad.Science, 1915.