The history of librarianship in the Russian Federation
The history of librarianship in the Russian Federation
Transformation of the library phenomenon in historical and cultural retrospective
Aralanova, Svetlana Salavatovna.Transformation of the library phenomenon in historical and cultural retrospective.Ivanovo, 2020.
Value orientations of young Russian librarians
Vinogradova, Vera Tarasova. Value orientations of young Russian librarians. St. Petersburg, 2013.
Transformation of modern intellectual culture in the Russian Federation (based on the analysis of the activities of scientific libraries of higher educational institutions
The transformation of modern intellectual culture in the Russian Federation (based on the analysis of the activities of scientific libraries of higher educational institutions. 2022.
Development of funds of Russia's academic libraries in the context of the transformation of the information space
Lakizo, Irina Gelaksievna.The development of funds of Russia's academic libraries in the context of the transformation of the information space.St. Petersburg, 2019.
Improving Library Legislation with Account of Copyright Norms
Minaev, Vitaliy Anatolievich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Improvement of library legislation taking into account copyright norms. Moscow, 2006.
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Library regional science in electronic environment
Taranenko, Love Gennadievna.Library local history in the electronic environment.Kemerovo, 2019.
Place of library in the city
Kupriyanov, Boris Alexandrovich. The place of the library in the city. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2014.
The first results of the introduction of the electronic library subscription in the Central Scientific Library of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the new edition of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Loginov, Boris Rodionovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1946-). The first results of the introduction of the electronic library subscription in the Central Scientific Library of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the new edition of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2015.
Speech by Vladimir Rubinovich Firsov, President of the Russian Library Association
"The right to access to information: opportunities and constraints in the electronic environment," a conference (St. Petersburg, 2012).
Speech by Vladimir Rufinovich Firsov, President of the Russian Library Association.
St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. BN Yeltsin, 2012.
St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. BN Yeltsin, 2012.
Libraries in the State Social Policy
Firsov, Vladimir Rufinovich (1952-). Libraries in the state social policy. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2013