Население (демография, миграция)
Население (демография, миграция)
Collection of legalizations and government orders for the resettlement business, which operated in Tobolsk province in the past and current decades
Collection of legalizations and government orders for the resettlement case, which operated in the Tobolsk province in the past and current decades.
Tobolsk: publication of the Resettlement Department of the Tobolsk Province Administration, 1898.
Tobolsk: publication of the Resettlement Department of the Tobolsk Province Administration, 1898.
Siberian migration at the end of the XIX century
Kaufman, Alexander Arkadevich (1864-1919).
Siberian migration at the end of the XIX century.
St. Petersburg: The Typography of V. Kirschbaum, 1901.
St. Petersburg: The Typography of V. Kirschbaum, 1901.
Тобольский ГИАМЗ
The population movement in European Russia and in two provinces of Siberia: Yenisei and Tobolsk in 1902
The population movement in European Russia and in two provinces of Siberia: Yenisei and Tobolsk for 1902. SPb .: Type. "The Drug", 1907.
Тюменская ОНБ
List of resettlement sites Tobolsk province
Tobolsky resettlement area
List of resettlement sites Tobolsk province.
Tobolsk: Typography of the Diocesan Brotherhood, 1913.
Tobolsk: Typography of the Diocesan Brotherhood, 1913.