Administrative Management

Administrative Management

A systematic list of the voivod, the deacons, written heads and clerks with a note in the Siberian cities and major jails from their foundation until the beginning of the XVIII century

  Gazenvinkel, Konstantin Borisovich (1850? -1896).     A systematic list of the voivod, the deacons, written heads and clerks with a note in Siberian cities and major jails from their foundation until the beginning of the XVIII century.
Tobolsk: Typography of Provincial Government, 1892.

A brief account of the former as in Tobolsk, and in all Siberian cities and jails since the beginning of the capture of the Siberian state, voivods and governors, and other ranks, and who they are, and in what cities were, and who built what city, and when

  Varlaam (Petrov, circa 1728-1802).     A brief testimony about the former as in Tobolsk, and in all Siberian cities and jails since the beginning of the capture of the Siberian state, voivods and governors, and other ranks, and who they are, and in what cities were, and who built which city and when.
Tobolsk: The printing house of Vasily Korniliev, 1792.
