100 anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. Delegation from China in Blagoveshchensk

  Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich  (1927-).    
100 anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. A delegation from China in Blagoveshchensk [Izomaterial]: [photo]. - Author. otpech. - Blagoveshchensk, 1958. - 1 ph. : ch.-b. -
Chinese delegation during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. In the center - First Secretary of the CPSU City Committee P. Parshikov .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 4. The People's Republic of China - Relations - USSR - 1950s. -- Photo. 5. USSR - Relations - People's Republic of China - 1950's. -- Photo. 6. Blagoveshchensk, city (Amur Region) - Anniversaries - 1958 - Photographs. 7. Documentary photographs.
BBK 63.3 (2Ros) 632-64 (5Kit) i611
BBK 63.3 (5Kit) 632-64 (2Pos) i611
Source of electronic copy: Amurskaya ONB
Location on map of original: Archive of the Amur Region
Catalogue object