Russian-Chinese Relations
Russian-Chinese Relations
Agreement on the creation of friendly cities
Agreement on the creation of friendly cities.
Биробиджанская ОУНБ
On ratification of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism
Russian Federation. Laws. On the ratification of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism. Moscow.
Formation and implementation of priority interstate relations between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in 1991 - 2005: experience and prospects
Ganshin, Igor Nikolaevich. Formation and implementation of priority interstate relations of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in 1991 - 2005: experience and prospects. Moscow, 2009.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Chinese and Russian colonization // Russian bulletin. T. 268, August
Chinese and Russian colonization.
Photographs of the church in the city of Harbin-Prystan, built in 8 days, March 21-29, 1903: a view from the outside and from within
Photographs of the church in the city of Harbin-Prystan, built in 8 days, March 21-29, 1903: a view from the outside and from the inside. Until the year 1903.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
From the history of Russian-Chinese relations of the XIX century
From the history of Russian-Chinese relations of the XIX century.
Verhneudinsk: [B. and.], 1927.
Verhneudinsk: [B. and.], 1927.
НБ Респ. Бурятия
The impact of Russian-Chinese relations on ensuring security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region
Panchenko, Mikhail Yurievich
Influence of Russian-Chinese relations on ensuring security and stability in the APR. Moscow, 2003.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Reporting map of the Gansu expedition in 1884-85-86 years // Tangut-Tibet suburb of China and central Mongolia. T. 1
Potanin, Grigory Nikolaevich (1835-1920).
The Tangut-Tibet suburb of China and central Mongolia. Report card of the Gansu expedition in 1884-85-86.
St. Petersburg: The Imp. Rus. geogr. Island, 1893.
St. Petersburg: The Imp. Rus. geogr. Island, 1893.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
The processes of political and economic interaction and their role in strengthening regional security
Stelmashenko, Olga Viktorovna
The processes of political-economic interaction and their role in strengthening regional security.
Chita, 2007.
Chita, 2007.
Agreement on the establishment of sister-city relations between the municipal entity "City of Birobidzhan" of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation and the city of Yichun of Heilongjiang Province of the People's Republic of China
Agreement on the establishment of sister-city relations between the municipal entity "City of Birobidzhan" of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation and the city of Yichun of Heilongjiang Province of the People's Republic of China.
Birobidzhan, 2011.
Birobidzhan, 2011.
Биробиджанская ОУНБ
- Russia-China political relations
The policy of Russia and China in Central Asia: the experience of comparative historical analysis
Anufriev, Kirill Sergeevich The policy of Russia and China in Central Asia: the experience of comparative historical analysis.
Tomsk, 2010.Russian China. [Ch.] 1. The Beijing Treaty
Buksgewden, Alexey Ottovich. Russian China. Port Arthur: Publication of the book warehouse "New Edge", 1902.
[Ch.] 1: The Peking Treaty. 1902.The most outstanding report of Chancellor A. M. Gorchakov to Emperor Alexander II on awarding gold medals decorated with precious stones to the Chinese Goddess, Russian Consul in Kuldzha Pavlinov for help and care of the Chinese emigrants and frontier com
Gorchakov, Alexander Mikhailovich (1798-1883). The most outstanding report of Chancellor AM Gorchakov to Emperor Alexander II on awarding gold medals decorated with precious stones to the Chinese Goddess, Russian consul in Kuldzha Pavlinov for help and care of the Chinese emigrants and frontier commissioner Pfaffius for their help in fighting the fire in Maymachan. 1868.Geopolitical aspects of Russian-Chinese relations in the 21st century
Grachikov, Evgeny Nikolaevich Geopolitical aspects of Russian-Chinese relations in the 21st century. Moscow, 2006.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1911 on the establishment of a border between Russia and China at the Manchuria Station of the Sino-East Railway
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1911 on the establishment of a border between Russia and China at the Manchuria Station of the Sino-East Railway.
1910-1911.Diplomatic meeting of affairs between the Russian and Chinese states from 1619 to 1792 year
Bantysh-Kamensky, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1737-1814). Diplomatic collection of affairs between the Russian and Chinese states from 1619 to 1792 year.
Kazan: printing house of the Imperial University, 1882.Reports of Irkutsk Governor-General BB Lezzano from March 1 and May 11, 1799 to the Procurator-General of the Government Senate, Prince Dmitry Lopukhin, about the death of the Chinese goddess Kiyan Lun and the peaceful attitude of the Chinese to the Russi
Irkutsk Governor-General Reports of Irkutsk Governor-General BB Lezzano from March 1 and May 11, 1799 to the Procurator-General of the Government Senate, Prince Dmitry Lopukhin, about the death of the Chinese goddess Kiyan Lun and the peaceful attitude of the Chinese to the Russian population.
1799.China's Internet media as a factor in shaping public opinion in the Trans-Baikal Territory
Kotelnikov, Alexey Anatolyevich China's Internet media as a factor in shaping public opinion in the Trans-Baikal region.
Chita, 2011.The processes of political change in the globalizing "Chinese region"
Kuchinskaya, Tatyana Nikolaevna Processes of political changes in the globalizing "Chinese region".
Chita, 2007.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахRussian-Chinese military-political relations: historical research (1996-2006)
Migunov, Alexander Albertovich Russian-Chinese military-political relations: historical research (1996 - 2006). Moscow, 2009.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахActivity of the Administration of the Amur Region on the development of Russian-Chinese relations
Makuha, Nina Alexandrovna Activity of the Administration of the Amur Region on the development of Russian-Chinese relations.
Khabarovsk, 2009.On the revision of the states of the general consulates in the cities of Shanghai and Harbin (China), the establishment of the vice-consulate in Hailar (Manchuria) and the vice-consulate office in Chemulpo (Korea)
Russia. Council of Ministers On the revision of the states of the general consulates in the cities of Shanghai and Harbin (China), the establishment of the vice-consulate in Hailar (Manchuria) and the vice-consulate in the city of Chemulpo (Korea). Film of 1912.About the Embassy in China Count Golovkin
About the embassy in China Count Golovkin. [Moscow, 1875].The attitude of Foreign Minister AP Izvolsky on December 23, 1909 to the Minister of the Imperial Court, Baron VB Fredericks, with a list of actions approved by the emperor in connection with the arrival of the Chinese Prince Tsai-Xun in St. Petersburg, w
Russia. Foreign Secretary Attitude of Foreign Minister AP Izvolsky on December 23, 1909 to the Minister of the Imperial Court, Baron VB Fredericks, with a list of actions approved by the Emperor in connection with the arrival of the Chinese Prince Tsai-Xun in St. Petersburg, with the list of persons of the Prince's suite.
1909.The layout of the inner city of Beijing with the location of the buildings of foreign embassies
The plan of the inner city of Beijing with the location of the buildings of foreign embassies.
[B. g.].Introduction of the head of the Chamber Office of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet VV Sipyagin of December 2, 1897, with proposals for a response gift from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to the wife of the Chinese envoy Young-Yu (L. 12-13), an accompanying re
Russia. His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet Presentation of the head of the Cameral Department of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet VV Sipyagin of December 2, 1897, with proposals for a response gift from Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to the wife of the Chinese envoy Young-Yu (L. 12-13), an accompanying report compiled by Prince E.E. Ukhtomsky and containing a description and evaluation of the items presented to Her Imperial Majesty by the wife of the Chinese envoy (L. 10-11).
1897.Collection of treaties between Russia and China. 1689-1881
Russia. Contracts. Collection of treaties between Russia and China. 1689-1881 gg. St. Petersburg: publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1889.The agreements between Russia and China on conducting and rectifying borders and on border affairs
Russia. Contracts. The agreement between Russia and China on carrying out and rectifying borders and on border affairs. [Petrograd, 1914].100 anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. Delegation from China in Blagoveshchensk
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). 100 anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. A delegation from China in Blagoveshchensk. Blagoveshchensk, 1958.100 anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. At VDNKh delegation from China
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). 100 anniversary of Blagoveshchensk. At VDNKh delegation from China. Blagoveshchensk, 1958.Problems of Regional Security in NEA: Experience and Perspectives of Chinese and Russian Participation and Interaction
Chiang Yan Problems of regional security in NEA: experience and prospects of Chinese and Russian participation and interaction.
Vladivostok, 2008.Problems of regional security in Northeast Asia: experience and prospects of Chinese and Russian participation and interaction
Chan, Yan Problems of regional security in Northeast Asia: experience and prospects of Chinese and Russian participation and interaction. Vladivostok, 2008.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахInterstate cooperation between Russia and China in the fight against international terrorism: the regional dimension
Chashchin, Victor Vladimirovich Interstate cooperation between Russia and China in the fight against international terrorism: a regional aspect.
Chita, 2008.Interstate cooperation between Russia and China in the fight against international terrorism: the regional dimension
Chashchin, Victor Vladimirovich Interstate cooperation between Russia and China in the fight against international terrorism: a regional aspect.
Chita, 2008.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Russia-China economic relations
The Role of Military-Technical Cooperation in the Foreign Policy Activity of Russia
Vazhnov, Oleg Yurievich Role of military-technical cooperation in Russia's foreign policy activity. Moscow, 2007.The most recent report of the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte on the establishment of the Russian-Chinese Bank in China and the assignment there as an official agent of the Ministry of Finance and a clerk of the clerical office of the General Office of t
General Office of the Minister of Finance.
The most outstanding report of the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte on the establishment of the Russian-Chinese Bank in China and sending him there as an official agent of the Ministry of Finance and a clerk of the clerical bank of the General Office of the Minister of Finance, D. D. Pokotilov.The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on the conclusion between the Russian consul in Tien-Jin (China) and the manager of the Tien-Jin branch of the Russian-Asian Bank on the one hand and the French firm F. Kessia
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on the conclusion between the Russian consul in Tien-Jin (China) and the manager of the Tien-Jin branch of the Russian-Asian Bank on the one hand and the French firm F. Kessial and Co. from another contract for sale the French firm of land in the Russian colony.
1911.The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on the consideration of the bill submitted to the State Duma on the establishment of Russian consulates in the cities of Canton and Kobdo and the vice-consulate in Aigun and t
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Finance on the consideration of the bill submitted to the State Duma on the establishment of Russian consulates in the cities of Canton and Kobdo and the vice consulate in Aigun and the abolition of consulates in the cities of Hong Kong and Fuzhou in China.
1911.Russian-Chinese economic ties in the 90s of the XX century: experience, problems
Li Hongtao Russian-Chinese economic ties in the 90s of the XX century: experience, problems.
Moscow, 2004.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOpportunities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources (oil) to China
Morozov, Artem Ivanovich. Opportunities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources (oil) to China. Moscow, 2008.Samples of banknotes issued by the Chinese bank in 1917-1918, worth 10, 20, 50 cents, and 1, 10 dollars [?]
Samples of banknotes issued by the Chinese bank in 1917-1918, worth 10, 20, 50 cents, and 1, 10 dollars [?]. 1917-1918.Economic cooperation between Russia and China in the 21st century
Samoylova, Elena Sergeevna. Russia's economic cooperation with China in the 21st century. Moscow, 2011.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахKyakhta in the XVIII century
Silin, Yevgeny Panteleimonovich (1912-1949). Kyakhta in the XVIII century. [Irkutsk]: Irkut. reg. publishing house, 1947.Photo of the Harbin Branch of the Russian-Chinese Bank
Photo of the Harbin Branch of the Russian-Chinese Bank.
The beginning of the XX century. [1900th].Economic assistance to the Soviet Union to the People's Republic of China in 1949-1959.
Zhao Yingcun Economic Assistance to the Soviet Union to the People's Republic of China in 1949-1959. Moscow, 2003.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Russia-China cultural, scientific, outreach and awareness raising affairs
Chinese library and scholarly works of members of the Imperial Russian Spiritual and Diplomatic Mission in Beijing or Bei-Jin (in China)
Alexy (Vinogradov, Hieromonk, 19th century). Chinese Library and Academic Works of Members of the Imperial Russian Spiritual and Diplomatic Mission in Beijing or Bei-Jin (in China).
St. Petersburg: Printing Brother. Panteleevykh, 1889.Russian-Chinese relations in the field of culture and education
Alikberova, Alfiya Rafisovna (Candidate of Historical Sciences). Russian-Chinese relations in the field of culture and education. Kazan, 2014.Political dialogue as a kind of dialogue between cultures in the context of globalization
Borisenko, Olga Andreevna Political Dialogue as a Kind of Dialogue of Cultures in the Context of Globalization.
Chita, 2011.Draft submission of the Headquarters of the Corps of Mountain Engineers on the establishment in Beijing of a Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory with a draft staffing plan
Russia. The corps of mining engineers Draft submission of the Headquarters of the Mountain Engineers Corps on the establishment in Beijing of a Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory with a draft staffing plan attached.
1862,Scene from the Chinese opera performance
A scene from a Chinese opera performance. Film B. g.Chinese guests at VDNKh Blagoveshchensk
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). Chinese guests at VDNKh Blagoveshchensk. Blagoveshchensk, 1958.Panorama of Heihe China
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). Panorama of Heihe China. Blagoveshchensk, 1969.The editor of the newspaper "Heihe-jibao" Xu Yun Shin and the photo correspondent of the newspaper "Amur Komsomolets" Tolstenko VP
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). The editor of the newspaper "Heihe-jibao" Xu Yun Shin and the photo correspondent of the newspaper "Amur Komsomolets" Tolstenko V. P. Blagoveshchensk, 1958.Photo correspondent of the newspaper "Amur Komsomolets" V.P. Tolstenko and photo correspondent of the newspaper "Heihe jibao"
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). Photo correspondent of the newspaper "Amur Komsomolets" V.P. Tolstenko and photo correspondent of the newspaper "Heihe jibao". Blagoveshchensk, 1958.Photo of the 1st New Year's School in Harbin
Photo of the 1st New Year's School in Harbin. 1918.