Russia. Council of Ministers
On the revision of the states of the general consulates in the cities of Shanghai and Harbin (China), the establishment of the vice-consulate in Hailar (Manchuria) and the vice-consulate in the city of Chemulpo (Korea) [Case]: September 11, 1912 - 1912. - 19 l. .. - (Fund of the Council of Ministers, Inventory No. 8)
1. Russia. Consulate General in Shanghai (China) - 1912 - Documents and materials. 2. Russia. Vice-consulate in Hailar (Manchuria) - 1912 - Documents and materials. 3. Russia. Vice-consulate in Chemulpo (Korea) - 1912 - Documents and materials. 4. Russia. Consulate General in Harbin (China) - 1912 - Documents and materials. 5. Russia-Korea: bridges of friendship (collection). 6. Diplomatic missions Russian - Personnel policy - History - 1912 - Documents and materials. |
BBK 63.3 (2) 533-64 (5Kor) y11 BBK 63.3 (2) 533-64 (5Kit) y11
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