The struggle of the fleet against the shore in the world war. T. 2. Operations in the Black Sea and joint operations of the army...

Struggle of the fleet against the shore in the world war: T. 1-4 / edited and with the introduction of B. B. Gervais. - Leningrad: Publishing House of the Naval Academy of the Red Army, 1927 - 1928. - 4 tons. .
I. Gervais, Boris Borisovich (1878-1934) .1. The First World War - Military operations - 1914 - 1918.
ББК 63.3 (0) 532
ББК 63.3 (2) 534-68
An electronic copy source: PB
An original storage location: GOPB
T. 2: Operations on the Black Sea and joint operations of the army and navy on the coast of Lazistan / NV Novikov. - 1927. - 235 pp., Schemes., Maps. .
I. Novikov, Nikolai Vasilyevich (historian, 1880-1957) .1. The First World War (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. World War I - Military operations - 1914 - 1918. 5. World War I - Naval operations - Black Sea - 1914 - 1918. 6. World War I - Military operations - Turkey - 1914 - 1918.
BBC 63.3 (0) 532.199
BBK 63.3 (5Tuts) 5
ББК 63.3 (2) 534-68
An electronic copy source: PB
An original storage location: GOPB
Publisher Издательство Военно-Морской академии РККА
Catalogue object