Geography of Turkestan

Ostroumov, Nikolay Valerianovich    
Geography of the Turkestan Territory: with brief information about the Khanates of Bukhara, Khiva and the Transcaspian region: (Rodinovedenie) / was written by N. Ostroumov, teacher of the City College. - Ed. 2 nd, with the map of Turkestan. - Samarkand: lithography typography N. V. Poltoranova, 1891. - [4], II, 93 p., 1 l. kart. ; 25 cm. -
The first edition is approved by Uchen. Com. Min. Nar. Enlightenment for use in the colleges of the region. September, 1886
On the title page - an inscription of the author .
1. Territory (collection). 2. The Caspian region (collection). 3. Turkestan Territory - Geography. 4. Bukhara region (Uzbekistan).
ББК 26.86 (28-8Тур)
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location of original retention: РГБ
Publisher типо-литография Н. В. Полторанова
Catalogue object