Iconography of saints. Part 8. St. Nicolas. The end of the XVI - beginning of the XVII century. From the Nicholas-Dvorishchensky...

Dyakonova, Tatyana Ivanovna    
Iconography of Saints [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [album of photographs: in 11 parts] / photo TI Dyakonova, AA Osina, V M Yarosh; sost, graphic concept and design AA Kassirova; Presidential Library of the name of Boris Yeltsin - Electronic graphic data - Veliky Novgorod, March 10, 22-23 May 2012 - (Exposition of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve "Russian icon of the XI - XIX centuries") -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential BN Yeltsin Library
Date from the accompanying document
Date: 10032012, 22-23052012
Saints are especially revered by the church for their righteous life, piety, persistent confession of faith and possessing the gift of miracles; mediators between God and people The character of the Christian exploits of saints is divided into certain ranks. The iconography of prophets, apostles, prelates, martyrs and saints is described in the album. The prophets call the saints of the Old Testament predicting the appearance of the Savior, the Messiah. Apostles - selected disciples of Christ. Saints or church fathers call the holy hierarch sain, those metropolitans, patriarchs and bishops. The martyrs are martyrs who died martyr for their faith in Christ. The saints are saints related to The exposition "Russian icon of the XI - XIX centuries", where the exhibits presented in the albums are located, was opened on May 18, 2004 and is valid until now. - Materials of the sites used: "Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve" (URL: http: / / novgorodmuseumru / chto-posmotret / 67-ekspozitsiya-russkaya-ikona-xi-xix-vekovhtml); "Russian Pilgrim" (URL: http: // idrpru / svyatie-lib716 /); "Academician" (URL: http: // dicacademicru / dicnsf / enc3p / 266226)
I Osin, Andrei Alekseevich II Yarosh, Vladimir Mikhailovich III Kassirova, Anastasia Alexeevna (1991-) IV Presidential Library named after BN Yeltsin (St. Petersburg) V "Russian icon of the XI-XIX centuries", exposition (Veliky Novgorod, 2004-) 1 Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve Exposition "Russian icon of the XI - XIX centuries" - Photographs 2 Territory (collection) 3 Novgorod Museum-Reserve in photos (collection) 4 Territory of Russia: Novgorod Region (collection) 5 Novgorod Region: pages of history (collection ) 6 Icons of orthodox - Photogr. Athens 7 Documentary Photos
ББК 633 (2Рос-4Нов) 64-7я611
ББК 8637224-5751я611
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location of original retention: ПБ
Ch 8: Saint NicolasThe end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVIIth. From the Nicholas-Dvorishchensky Cathedral: [photo album] - Electronic graphic data (4 files: 28.1 MB) - Veliky Novgorod, May 23, 2012 -
Access mode: the portal of the Presidential Library named after B Yeltsin
The title of the accompanying document
Date: 23052012
The eighth part of the album includes: a cover-saver, 3 photos of the icon "St. Nicholas" The photos show a general view and fragments of the icon
- prelate, Archbishop Mirlikysky, who lived at 3-4 in the Lycia and revered in Christianity, as H the Wonderworker On the icon presented in the album, Saint Nicholas is depicted on the round board, to the waist, frontally, with his right hand he blesses, in the left - the closed Gospel. The appearance of the image is associated with the legend of the healing of Prince Mstislav and the appearance of the icon from Kiev in the waters of Lake Ilmen In many Novgorod churches, there were copy-lists from this image, made at a later time. The icon of the icon of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod was written at the end of the 16th century during the resumption of the ancient x In the St. Nicholas Cathedral, according to the descriptions, two icons of a round shape with the image of the saint were kept. This icon replaced the previous round icon in the local row of the iconostasis of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. - The materials of the site: "Khronos" (URL: http: // wwwhronoru / biograf / bio_n / nikolai_chudophp ) - The materials of the film "The Russian icon in the collection of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve" were used (rector Dyakonova TI, Presidential Library of BN Yeltsin, 2012)
1 Nikolay (Archbishop of Myra, 260 - 343) - Photos 2 Novgorod State Unified Museum-Reserve Exposition "Russian Icon of the XI-XIX centuries" - Photographs 3 Nikolsky Cathedral on Yaroslav's Court (Veliky Novgorod, city) - Photographs 4 Territory collection) 5 Novgorod-museum reserve in photos (collection) 6 Territory of Russia: Novgorod region (collection) 7 Novgorod region: pages of history (collection) 8 Orthodox icons - Photographs 9 Documentary photographs
ББК 633 (2Рос-4Нов) 64-7я611
ББК 8637224-5751я611
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location of original retention: ПБ
Catalogue object
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